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Some Facts About Homeopathy, to help you understand
how homeopathic remedies work.
Homeopathic Remedy Page for more details.
Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, a German physician, chemist, and
medical translator, was discouraged with the harsh, often dangerous, medical
methods commonly used in his time. Hahnemann expanded the ancient idea of "like
cures like" into a complete medical system. By 1900, approximately one in every
five medical doctors was a homeopath. Political opposition from conventional
physicians in the early 1900’s, however, led to eventual closing of all of the
homeopathic medical schools and nearly led to the demise of homeopathy in the
US. Fortunately, the homeopathic scene has advanced dramatically over the past
26 years. There are more than one thousand medically trained homeopaths now
practicing in the US.
It is important to understand the difference between the Allopathic and the
Medicine method of treatment.
The Allopathic Method
Allopathic medicine is the medicine by which the patient’s symptoms are
treated by substances which, in their first action, will push the symptoms in a
direction other than that in which they are presently flowing. It treats one
symptom or a specific set of systems. Think of a headache. If you take a
painkiller for a headache, does it actually cure and give
headache relief? Of course not,
it merely separates you from the sensation of your pain. Cold medicine does the
same thing for colds, it in no way ends the cold or act as a
cold and flu
remedy that prevents the next one;
instead, it just keeps you briefly from experiencing the cold you already have.
Boericke, like Hahnemann before him, sees little value in allopathic treatments.
about these, he lists the following objections:
1. It is merely symptomatic treatment attacking some prominent single condition,
instead of the disease as a whole, and necessarily leads to polypharmacy in the
endeavor to meet different conditions at the same time.
2. The transient amelioration is followed by an increased aggravation of the
very condition to be removed, necessitating increasing dosage.
3. Drug diseases are established that complicate hopelessly the original disease
of the patient; the possibility of harm by the introduction of the necessary
large dosage of drugs and foreign substances always being very evident.
None of these therapeutic methods are curative in the true sense by directly
modifying the vital activities of the organism. In the cases where such
treatment is ultimately successful (and certain temporary beneficial results
cannot be denied), the homeopathic methods is more direct, safer, more radical
and with no possible harm to the patient.
Boericke says that the reason to object to allopathic treatment is that the
allopathic treatment suppresses the disease symptoms therefore does not deal
with the cause of the disease on the energistic (or even the physical ) level.
If the suppression of the original ailment is deep enough, the cause of the
disease will in the place of the first disease create a second disease. But
worst still is the impact of the allopathic suppression on the patient’s whole
With each suppression, the overall vital force, the overall immune system of the
patient is weakened. And the stronger the allopathic drug, the strongest the
suppression and the stronger the impact on that immune system. Thus we have a
generation of patients for which antibiotics are no longer effective, and a
generation of disease for which is immune to older antibiotics.
homeopathic remedy page for more details.
While the homeopathic medicine may be said to be a throwback to ancient
practices, it must also be considered, in the light of modern scientific
discoveries, to be the most modern form of medicine.
Homeopathic physicians treat the patients as whole beings, by respecting the
symptoms first and recognizing that there is a reason that they exist in the
first place. And then they work reactively - by giving the remedy that in a well
person would create the totality of symptoms that the patient is already
experiencing. That is the heart of the homeopathic method and practice. It is
called similarity. It is the principle of treatment with which Hahnemann
revolutionized medicine. But remember that the homeopathic method is a reactive
method and it is the job of the remedy to act as a catalyst. As the body’s own
immune system rises up against the remedy in equal and opposite reaction, the
reactive force moves the patient from a state of disease to a state of health.
In homeopathy medicine, we are constantly aware that anything you do to the
smallest tissue in the body you do to all the tissues in the body.
There are over two thousand
homeopathic medicines made from substances in the
plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms. The inherent irony of the homeopathic
pharmacy and one of the central mysteries of homeopathic pharmacy and one of the
central mysteries of homeopathic philosophy has to do with the act of dilution
itself. This irony is best expressed in the Arndt-Schultz law, which gives
insight into the biological activity of drugs. The law states that small doses
of drugs will actually encourage life activity in general. Large material doses
of drugs impede life activity in general, and very large doses of drugs will
actually destroy life activity.
Hahnemann began to dilute his remedies in water. First on one part of the
original substance with nine parts water and then one part substance to
ninety-nine parts of water or alcohol to form a "1C" medicine. Not only were the
remedies as powerful in their diluted states, but they were more curative.
Another method he used called Succussion which is a process of systematically
shaking the remedy while it is still in its liquid form. Hahnemann, through his
empirical approach to medicine, found again and again that the remedies that had
been shaken during their process of dilution were more potent than those that
were not.
Homeopathy provides a safe, effective, natural, nontoxic treatment for many
acute and chronic illnesses. It is important to remember that Hehnemann tells us
that it is quite all right to move on to the second remedy if the first has not
worked, but he does not suggest a third or fourth. While allopathic medicine is
to always be considered suppressive, in time of true emergency you should
consult with your physician. Learn homeopathic philosophy and practice now, so
that when an emergency occurs, you will be in the best position to deal with it.
Arnica montana (Arnica) Arnica is also commonly called leopard's bane.
The arnica plant has a bright yellow, daisy-like flower that blooms around July.
Preparations made from the flowering heads have been used in homeopathic
medicine for hundreds of years. It is popular in Germany and over 100 drug
preparations are made from the plant. Arnica is a perennial that is protected in
parts of Europe. The active components in arnica are sesquiterpene lactones,
which are known to reduce inflammation and decrease pain. Other active
principals are thymol (an essential oil), flavonoids, inulin, carotenoids and
tannins. Arnica works by stimulating the activity of white blood cells that
perform much of the digestion of congested blood, and by dispersing trapped,
disorganized fluids from bumped and bruised tissue, joints and muscles. Arnica
is known to stimulate blood circulation and can raise
blood pressure, especially
in the coronary arteries. The plant is used externally as an
arthritis remedy, burns,
ulcers, eczema and acne. It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities
that can reduce pain and swelling, improving wound healing.
Arsenicum album is a mineral remedy. The remedy Arsenicum Album
was created, not just from arsenic alone, but from a chemical compound of
arsenic and oxygen. This homeopathic remedy was created by Hahnemann and was one
of his first and most important discoveries. It is a good remedy for respiratory
infections of all sorts,
cold and flu, fever, chronic fatigue,
digestive problem,
colitis, irritable bowel, chronic diarrhea, insomnia, food allergies, hay fever,
seasonal allergies, shingles, pneumonia and influenza.
Acontitum napellus (Acotnite) is created from the roots and stems of the
plant Aconitum napellus, which is also known as wolfsbane and monkshood. the
plant is native to Europe, and must be gathered in the floweingstage in order to
me made into the remedy Aconite. This remedy is good for Upper respiratory
infections, colds and flu, conjunctivitis, croup, otitis media, pneumonia,
tonsillitits, neuralgia, vertigo, angina, arrhythmia,
headache relief, injury and
Belladonna is taken from a plant that for many years has been used as an
herbal medicine. The remedy is created from the whole plant, picked at the
flowering stage. This remedy aids fever, digestion migraine, convulsions,
constipation, hemorrhoids, influenza, low back pain, sinusitis, tonsillitis,
vertigo. Also Meniere’s disease and otitis media.
Bryonia is created from wild hops. The mother tincture is made from the
roots of the plant. It’s remedy is good for rheumatoid arthritis, physical
trauma, tendonitis, connective tissue disease, low back pain, sciatica,
bursitis, headache, migraines, vertigo, nosebleed, toothache,
constipation remedy ,
diarrhea and gastritis.
Causticum, like the Kali family of remedies, is a potassium-based remedy.
In this case the remedy is taken from a mixture of lime and bisulfate of potash.
This mixture is dissolved in alcohol, from which the mother tincture is then
made. This remedy is good for bronchitis, cough and cold, whooping cough, ear
ailments, goiter, headaches, hemorrhoids, constipation, rheumatism, arthritis,
sciatica, neuralgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle aches and pains, hip pain,
back pain, tendon pain, also warts, boils, acne, eczema and herpes.
Chamomilla is taken from the German chamomile. The plant must be picked
when in full flower. The entire plant is used in the creation of the remedy.
Situations that suggest Chamomilla: coughs, fever, colic, pain, especially
associated with teething and toothache. This remedy is also used for hot flashes
that accompanymenopause. It is a great remedy for use with those with behavioral
problems. It is an excellent remedy for cases involving diarrhea that follow
general pain pattern.
China is also known as cinchona. It was the very first remedy in the
homeopathic pharmacy. It was created from the bark of the Cinchona officinalis.
a bark from which the allopathic medicine quinine is also take. The substance,
which was know for centuries for its medicinal qualities, was named Kina-Kina,
or "bark of barks," by the natives of Peru. China was created by Samuel
Hahnemann. This remedy is used for fevers of all sorts, influenza, and
respiratory infections of all sorts, coughs. Also colic: constipation and
diarrhea, hemorrhoids, headache, vertigo tinnitus and menieres disease,
deafness, rheumatism, hip pain, backache. Also food poisoning and indigestion,
suffocation, acute asthma, home recovery from strokes, sleep disorders.
Colocynthis is taken from the bitter cucumber, or Colocynth cucumis, of
the Natural Order of Cucuritacae, which is native to Egypt and Turkey. Also
known as bitter apple. The tincture from which this remedy is taken is made from
the dried fruit of the plant from which the rind and seeds have been taken. This
is a remedy of Hahnemann and is used for colic, diarrhea, PMS, rheumatic pains,
toothache and especially sciatica.
Eupatorium perfoliatum is taken from the plant known as both "boneset"
and thoroughwort, a perennial plant with white flowers and leaves that grow at
right angels to those that are growing immediately above or below. It belongs to
the Natural Order of Coposite and is native to the US and Canada. This remedy
was proven in 1846 by Williamson and Neidhard. This remedy aids influenza,
fever, bilious fever, diarrhea, measels, ringworm, rheumatism and hiccup.
Ferrum phosphoricum is taken from the chemical compound of iron and
phosphoric acid. Ferrum Phos is very helpful in treating problems with the
blood, like anemia, and with the circulatory system as a whole. It aids fevers,
colds, coughs, flu, croup, sore throat, vomiting and whooping cough. Also good
for injuries, sprains, rheumatism and gastritis, dyspepsia, diarrhea and
frostbite. This remedy was first proved as a homeopathic by J.C. Morgan in 1876
but was refined by Schussler.
Gelsemium is taken from the plant yellow jasmine (called Chambeli Hindu).
It belongs to the Natural Order Longaniaceae and is native to India, Europe, and
North America. It aids influenza, diarrhea, fever, hay fever, laryngitis, upper
problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, vertigo, tremor and
Kali bichromicum - The Kalis are a large group of remedies, all
based in part on the substance potassium. Its chemical formula is K2 CR2 O7. It
is a compound of potassium and chromic acid. The remedy was created by Dr. J.
Drysdale, a British homeopath. The proving remedy was performed and published by
the Austrian Society of Homeopaths. The major action of this remedy is on the
sinuses as well as
gout treatment, headaches, all physical pains, acute cold,
and coughing.
The remedy Lachesis is taken from the poison of the surukuku snake, also
called Trigonocephalus lachesis. The snake is native to South America. The
remedy was created by homeopath Constantine Hering. This remedy has many acute
applications. It aids coagulation of the blood, acute asthma, swollen glands,
sore throat, varicose veins, ulcers, warts, tumor, ulcers, whitlows, vertigo and
eye and vision health disorders.
Lycopodium is taken from the spores of club moss. The spores of the plant
are shaped like a wolf’s paw, which gives the remedy its name: lyco means "wolf"
and podo means "foot". This remedy is helpful for male issues such as impotence,
premature ejaculation; digestive disorders, especially bulimia. Also aids kidney
and urinary disease, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, cystitis, headache
and migraine, allergies, rhinitis, acute
asthma remedy, infections of all sorts, colds,
flu, bronchitis, otitis media, chronic fatigue. This remedy was created by
Samuel Hahnemann.
Mercurius (Merc) - There are several remedies based on the metal mercury.
Mercurius Vivus was a remedy devised by Hahnemann himself, although Hering must
be given credit for the actual creation of the remedy. Situations that suggest
Mercurius are infections of all sorts, sinusitis and tonsillitis, colds, ear
infections, upper respiratory infections of all sorts, toothaches, acne, eczema,
colitis and gastroenteritis, ulcerative colitis, sexual disorders, vaginitis.
Also phobias, anxiety disorders.
Natrim muriaticum (Nat Mur) is made from sodium chloride, or regular
table salt. Because this chemical compound is so common to our environment and
is indeed a natural part of our own bodies, the remedy taken from it is one of
most benign and curative. It is one of Hahnemann’s first remedies. Natrum Mur is
is one of the best remedies for digestive ailments that can be traced to an
overuse of salt, especially chronic migraines and headaches that come from over
studying and overwork,
treatment especially hyperthyroidism and
Nux vomica (Nux vom) is taken from the gray seeds of a tree. This tree is
related to the Saint Ignatius bean, making Ignatia and Nux Vomica was created by
Samuel Hahnemann. This remedy aids constipation, hemorrhoids, influenza, also
diarrhea, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome,
high blood pressure, spasms and
twitches of all sorts. Sleep disorders, insomnia, addictions to coffee, tea,
drugs, alcohol, tobacco and also coughs and colds, acute
asthma, chronic
fatigue, environmental illness and neuralgic pains.
Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus Tox) is taken from poison ivy, and is also known
as snow rose. The leaves of the plant are used in the creation of the remedy.
This remedy is good for joint and muscle pain, rheumatism and rheumatoid
arthritis, low back pain, connective tissue disease, toricolis, tendonitis,
sciatica, housemaid’s knee, lumbago and sprains.
Sulphur is created from the element of the same name and is also called
brimstone. The substance occurs naturally as a brittle crystalline mineral that
is found near volcanoes. This substance was used curatively for at least two
thousand years. This remedy was first proved as a homeopathic remedy by
Hahnemann. It is good for skin conditions of all sorts, allergies, digestive
disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, ulcer, depression,
anxiety, chronic fatigue, arthritis, menstrual problems, headaches, migraines,
alcohol abuse,
natural sleep remedy and disorders, especially sleeplessness and vertigo.
Veratrum album ( Verat alb) also known as White hellebore treats
fainting, restlessness, vomiting and diarrhea.
See Homeopathic
Remedy Page for more details.
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