Reduce cholesterol
How to reduce cholesterol lower cholesterol naturally and lowering cholesterol.
Lowering LDL cholesterol : is a huge benefit in bringing total
cholesterol down to a safe level. There have been numerous studies conducted
where data indicated the chance of having a heart attack is actually decreased
by as much as 25% for every 10% drop in cholesterol level.
Natural and Herbal Supplements : Numerous studies have shown that natural
and herbal supplements such as
essential fatty acids in flax seed and
omega oils, niacin,
Garlic, and
carotene are effective in controlling the high cholesterol and thus reducing
the risk of heart disease.
Cholesterol Lowering Foods :ds : Latest research suggest that cholesterol
lowering foods such as avocados, almonds, olive oil, soy beans, garlic, shiitake
mushrooms, chili peppers, oat bran, beans (kidney, pintos, black, navy, etc.),
onions, fatty fish, and
flax seed play a crucial role in lowering LDL and sometimes raising HDL
Low Cholesterol Diet : Evidence suggests that a healthy diet is the best
defense against heart disease. National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) has
even introduced a dietary program as a "prescription" for reducing heart disease
Lifestyle Recommendations: Numerous studies show that lifestyle changes such as
exercise, smoking cessation, weight loss and following a healthy diet can reduce
cholesterol levels and thus the risk of heart disease.ease.
Related Links:
reduce cholesterol
lowering cholesterol
lower cholesterol
lower cholesterol naturally
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