Lower blood pressure naturally
About : Lowering blood pressure and high blood pressure herb to lower blood
pressure naturally.
Long term use of drugs and side effects : Drugs to treat high blood
pressure are effective, but you have to take them every day for the rest of your
life and they may have side effects such as fatigue, depression and dizziness.
And because they have no symptoms, many people with raised blood pressure forget
to take their medication or don't do so properly. Fortunately, there is
increasing evidence to show that lifestyle changes and complementary medicine
may be enough to lower blood
pressure naturally without the need for drugs.
Diet is critical : A landmark study in the US known as the Dietary
Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) trial which reported last year (2001)
showed a balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables and low-fat dairy products
coupled with low salt intake could both prevent and reduce high blood pressure.
For some people the improvement might even be as effective as taking medication.
Devised by the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the DASH diet is
also low in total and saturated fat and the heartening news is that changing
your diet late in life can still have pretty immediate effects.
Lower blood pressure naturally : Use a natural
high blood
pressure herb supplements like herbal
and nutritional based supplements for lowering blood pressure.
Cut down on salt : Most
people consume about two teaspoons of salt a day and you need to halve this
by not adding salt to food or when cooking and avoiding processed food which
is often high in salt.
Eat more fruit and vegetables : Eating five or more portions of fruit and
vegetables and cutting salt intake will have a real impact on blood pressure.
Exercise : Taking more exercise helps
blood pressure, lose weight
and reduce cholesterol in the blood. It doesn't have to mean working out at the
gym or jogging. If you are unfit start gently by taking regular walks and
gradually increase. Reach your ideal weight : If you are overweight don't try to slim down
and change your diet at once. Switch to a healthy diet first, then reduce the
amount you eat and build exercise until you start to lose weight. Drink alcohol in moderate amounts : For a man this means 21 units or less
a week and for a woman 14 units. A unit is a half pint of beer, a small glass of
wine or a measure of spirit.
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