Alkaline Herbal Treatment
Alkaline cancer treatment and natural
cancer alkaline diet for natural cancer therapy and cancer treatment with herbs to help assist natural cancer prevention.

Your Satisfaction Guaranteed : |
Service : priority mail 2 to 3 days for USA customers. |
Purity : 100% natural, no fillers, preservatives or additives. |
Quality : whole food, organic or wild crafted used when possible. |
Vegetarian : capsules and ingredients suitable. |
Value : great value for the price you pay. |

Other Alkaline Supplements;

Antioxidant Herbs
With a specific blend of natural herbal antioxidants plus a super antioxidant mushroom and brewers yeast complex.

Detox Herbs
Used as to detoxify the lymphatic system are effective at removing unwanted pollutants.

Immune Boosters
Herbs are some of the most potent natural immune system supplements.

Anti-Fungal Program
Anti-fungal herb with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial effects.

Flor-Essence Detox Herbs
Some herbs are known to help improve circulation, and in some cases help to control
and reduce blood pressure levels.
An Alkaline Body may help fight Cancer;
An alkaline body may be able to significantly raising the
pH of malignant cells until the cancer cells die. As long ago as 1925, two-time
Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg found that cancer cells are anaerobic which
means they thrive only in a low-oxygen state. Alkaline tissue holds 20 times
more oxygen than does acidic tissue and this oxygen rich environment is critical
for maintaining health and reducing the risk of disease and anaerobic bacteria,
viruses, fungi and even cancer.
Maintaining proper body tissue pH is critical for staying healthy.
Most people are born into this world with a pH near or at
neutra. If you can keep your body tissue pH somewhere between 6.5 - 7.0 it is
very difficult to get sick. A near neutral pH (bright blue range) is the goal.
This is why most of the health and wellness people are always eating green foods
in abundance, these foods are loaded with alkaline elements to keep the pH
An acidic body = A cancer magnet!
The best way to make your pH more alkaline is to stop
consuming acidic food that make acidity levels greater in the body. Cola soda
pop is a 2.0 on the body! It takes 26 capsules of Acid 2 Alkaline Supplement to
counter balance 1 can of soda pop! Coffee is a 4 on the body! Most beer is
somewhere between 2.5-4.2 depending on the brand. People that consume huge
amounts of soda pop, coffee and/or beer are usually acidic and are magnets for
most illnesses including cancer.
Your body tissue pH will fluctuate constantly based on your diet and the foods
and drinks consumed. Most cancer patients tested show a pH of 4 - 5 very acidic!
This acidity of body tissue drives out the health giving oxygen. An acid low
oxygen body = an environment ripe for cancer. Cancer thrives in an oxygen
deficient environment.
Spit saliva onto the strip. Wait at least 60 seconds. Compare the color
against the chart given. Always perform the test at least two hours before
or after eating or drinking. (The paper strips are light olive green to start).
If you are acidic the pH balance testers will change to dirty blue to dirty
olive green or even light yellow, if you are alkaline it will change
from olive green to dark clear blue. Target to be a dark clear blue all the
time, an alkaline healthy state. Do not be surprised if you test acidic. Most
people initially will test very acidic in the yellow zone. Time to make changes
to move this into the green zone (pH 6.5 - 7). Urinary pH is always more acidic
than the saliva. A normal urinary pH reading in the morning should be somewhere
between 6.0-6.4 while in the evening hour a healthy range is considered to be
somewhere between 6.4 - 6.8. The pH of the saliva should be slightly more
alkaline than that of the urine. A healthy pH for saliva fluctuates somewhere
between 6.6 - 7.0.
Alkaline minerals may be included.
Potassium and sodium are both 14 on the pH scale, calcium
registers a 12 and magnesium is 9 all alkalizing elements for the body to shift
the pH to alkaline. Shifting pH normally takes some time so do not become
discouraged in your climb out of the acid tank. Young children with high
vitality levels will normally be alkaline and, if they are not, will normally
return to an alkaline tissue pH in a matter of just a couple of weeks on the
minerals along with minor dietary changes (eliminate soda pop and all sugar for
quickest change). Adults take longer. You are probably looking at 3-4 months in
your endeavor.
Alkaline therapy may drastically change the acid / alkaline balance of the cell:
By the late 1970's mass spectrographic and isotope studies
had shown that tumor cells exhibit a preference for the uptake of certain
alkaline minerals like Potassium. Further, specific antioxidants i.e. Vitamin C,
and Zinc were shown to enhance the uptake of these alkaline minerals by the
cancer cell.
A normal cell is surrounded by a membrane, which selectively allows materials to
flow in and out. Oxygen and nutrients, such as glucose, flow in and the waste
products of cellular chemistry flow out. The cells are protected by the immune
system; a well functioning immune system is the best defense against the
formation of cancer cells. When environmental toxins (carcinogens) overwhelm the
immune system the entire program is compromised. The cell membrane is affected
first, losing its ability to exchange oxygen (respiration); the cell then
reverts to a primitive survival mechanism - fermentation. Since the newly formed
(anaerobic) cancer cell cannot be repaired (fermentation is not reversible), the
cell is now out of control and must be destroyed as rapidly as possible.
What is Acid Alkaline Balance and Why is Blood & Body pH Balance so important?
The pH balance or Alkaline Balance is basically how alkaline or
acidic our body is, particularly saliva, blood and tissues. Every
function performed by any organ in the body depends on that range
of pH level. When a body is acidic, it creates a welcoming
environment for viruses and bacteria to come in and begin to
flourish. As viruses and bacteria continue to flourish inside our
body, we experience lack of energy, frequent illness and pains. If
a person doesn't do anything about changing the acidic state of the
body, and you are constantly acidic the situation can get worse.
Virus or bacteria can mutate into a serious illness such as cancer,
infection and other serious illnesses or diseases.
When you have an alkaline
body ph,
bacteria and viruses will perish in this alkaline environment. A
balance body, or alkaline body doesn't
create the environment for viruses and bacteria to thrive and
flourish. Thus, no bacteria or virus will enter an alkaline body,
grow and mutate into serious illness or disease.
Research has shown that your body must be slightly alkaline
an "alkaline body" in
order to function correctly. If your body is acidic, you are probably not at optimal
You will notice that acidic foods are well known "junk" foods and
alkaline foods are well known "healthy" foods. This is no
coincidence, alkaline foods are very healthy and now you know the
reason. In addition to good nutrition and live foods natural alkaline
supplements can help improve your health and even heal a sick body.
It all Starts with Nutrition, Alkaline Foods & an Alkaline Diet :
nutrition that nourishes and energizes the body, provides more
enzymes and oxygen to the body. Increases flow of oxygen to all the
organs in the body as it clears up the blood. The nutrition that
has been used by ancient people for many generations. The nutrition
that guaranties optimal health, energy and vitality.
Money Back Guarantee We are so confident that
you will be satisfied, that we offer a 60 day Money Back Guarantee with a 2
product limit.
NaturesBrands.com, Alkaline cancer treatment and
natural cancer alkaline diet for natural cancer therapy and cancer treatment
with herbs to help assist natural cancer prevention. alkaline cancer natural
cancer cancer alkaline diet natural cancer therapy cancer treatment with herbs
cancer cure herb flor essence flor essence tea cancer natural healing natural
cancer prevention essiac cancer cure herbal medicine flora flor essence alkaline
cancer cure herbs that cure cancer. |

Alkaline & Herbal Treatment Program
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 caps / serving / product
3 times per day vegetarian capsules & pwd
Follow each product link for a list of specific ingredients :
Detox Herb Formula
Immune Booster Formula
Acid Alkaline Formula
Antioxidant Formula
Super Herbal Green Powder
Other Ingredients: Free from colorants, preservatives, & artificial additives. No sugar,
yeast or wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not
tested on animals.
All products have only
Whole Natural Herbs and Foods, direct from nature. No
chemicals are used to achieve a alkaline chemical reaction.
Selected Alkaline Foods from this Chart :
Alkaline Foods Chart.
Alkaline Herbal Treatment
Use the Alkaline & Herbal Treatment to Help Alkalize an Acidic Body as part
of your Cancer Regiment **
(promoted as a supplementation program only not a cure)
Why cancer cells are formed : A normal cell is
surrounded by a membrane, which selectively allows materials to flow in and out.
Oxygen and nutrients, such as glucose, flow in and the waste products of
cellular chemistry flow out. The cells are protected by the immune system; a
well functioning immune system is the best defense against the formation of
cancer cells. When environmental toxins (carcinogens) overwhelm the immune
system the entire program is compromised. The cell membrane is affected first,
losing its ability to exchange oxygen (respiration) the cell then reverts to a
primitive survival mechanism of fermentation. Since the newly formed (anaerobic)
cancer cell cannot be repaired (fermentation is not reversible), the cell is now
out of control and must be destroyed as rapidly as possible.
How cancer cells may die : An very alkaline body may be
able to significantly raising the pH of malignant cells until the cancer cells
die. As long ago as 1925, two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg found
that cancer cells are anaerobic; meaning they thrive only in a low-oxygen state.
Alkaline tissue holds 20 times more oxygen than does acidic tissue and this
oxygen rich environment is critical for maintaining health and reducing the risk
of disease (anaerobic bacteria, viruses, fungi, cancer etc.).
An acidic body = A cancer magnet : The best way to make your pH more
alkaline is to stop consuming things that make acidity levels greater in the
body. Cola soda pop is a 2.0! It takes 32 - 8 oz glasses of Acid 2 Alkaline
Capsules to counter balance 1 can of soda pop! Coffee is a 4! Most beer is
somewhere between 2.5-4.2 depending on the brand. People that consume huge
amounts of soda pop, coffee and/or beer are usually acidic and are magnets for
most illnesses including cancer.
Become a cancer resistant body : Maintaining proper body tissue pH is
critical for staying healthy. Most people are born into this world with a pH
near or at (neutral pH). If you can keep your body tissue pH somewhere between
6.5 - 7.0 it is very difficult to get sick. A near neutral pH (bright blue
range) is the goal. This is why most of the health and wellness people are
always eating and drinking green foods in abundance these foods are loaded with
alkaline elements to keep the pH balanced, build the immune system and help in
the fight against cancer.
Alkalize your body : Changing the body to a more alkaline state by alkalizing and building the
immune system
are closely related and may be combined. A healthy body maintains adequate
alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands. When excess acids must be neutralized
our alkaline reserves are depleted leaving the body in a weakened condition.
Use the Alkaline & Herbal Program : Due to the
body being in an emergency state, a large dose is required. Take at least two
capsules of each product 3 times per day (morning, afternoon and evening).
A total of 8 products x 3 times/ day = 24 caps per day).
Take capsules with
FRESHLY squeezed lemon and filtered water at least once a day. (Cut the lemon in
quarters and squeeze a quarter lemon into a glass of filtered water. Do not use pre-made
lemon juice from a store). Now don't get confused, a lemon is in fact "alkaline" on the body.
Use Alkaline & Herbal Program with an Alkaline Diet:
Soda pop, alcohol, bear, sugar and fried foods are very acidic on the body! It
takes 26 capsules of Acid 2 Alkaline Supplement to counter balance 1 can of soda
pop! It would be crazy to continue consuming acidic foods if you want to
become alkaline and fight cancer. With supplementation and correct eating it
takes weeks to become alkaline, every time you consume acidic foods you fall
back to being acidic within days. You have to use the program with a cancer
alkaline diet for best results.
For best results avoid acidic foods completely and combine Acid2Alkaline
supplements with an alkaline diet. Eat no "junk food which
is acid on the body" and eat lots of "healthy
food which is alkaline on the body". May be taken with the
whole food vitamins,
vitamin C and
vitamin E.
10 DAY TRIAL : Alkaline & Herbal Treatment Program
Code 9091 : 4 caps & 1 jar : 10 day trial supply
Normal Price $ 120.85 (if purchased separate)
Program Price $ 115.00 (save $5.85 & free shipping
qualify for additional discounts at check out)
30 DAY KIT : Alkaline & Herbal Treatment Program
Code 9090 : 12 caps & 2 jars : 30 day supply
Normal Price $ 305.50 (if purchased separate)
Program Price $ 281.70 (save $23.80 & free shipping
qualify for additional discounts at check out)
30 DAY + POWDER : Alkaline & Herbal Treatment
Code 9092 : 9 caps & 4 jars : 30 day supply more powders
Normal Price $ 334.65 (if purchased separate)
Program Price $ 310.85 (save $23.80 & free shipping
qualify for additional discounts at check out)
Safety Notes:: ** The Alkaline &
Herbal Treatment Program is not a cure or intended to be a cure for cancer.
Cancer is a extremely difficult disease to fight. This is a herbal supplement
program for people looking for a natural cancer therapy, cancer treatment with
herbs, immune support and alkaline cancer alternative. Results will depend on many factors including
following a strict raw food cancer alkaline diet (see free chart supplied). May be used with other cancer
medication and supplement regiments if desired. Reduce dose and monitor yourself closely if used with medication as
there may be an interaction. Do not take if pregnant. Suitable for vegetarians.
You could also purchase a roll of pH balance paper so that you can test yourself and
family many times. Also purchase a alkaline food chart for easy reference. (see below).
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Acid-2-Alkaline ORIGINAL:

Acid-2-Alkaline SPECIAL:

Acid Alkaline Supplement
Alkalize an acidic body for good health - with 3x Free litmus pH paper testers.
Is your body acidic? Over acidity is very
common and may be due to a combination of reasons including diet, environment
pollutants, disease and even some medications.
Body acidity & disease : When the body is in a constant
state of acidity it gives rise to an environment
conducive to disease. Symptoms associated with an acid condition include
weight loss
problems, insomnia,
water retention, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches,
alternating constipation, diarrhea, colds, flu, difficulty
swallowing, burning in the mouth, bumps on the tongue, stomach
ulcers, cancer and even acid reflux are all often associated with this
condition. An alkaline balanced body:
When you have an alkaline body, bacteria and viruses will perish in this
alkaline environment allowing the body to resist disease. A pH balanced, or
an alkaline body doesn't create the environment for
viruses and bacteria to thrive and flourish. Thus, no bacteria or virus will enter an alkaline body,
grow and mutate into serious illness or disease.
Alkalizing the body : Changing the body to a more alkaline state by alkalizing and building the
immune system
are closely related and may be combined. A healthy body maintains adequate alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands. When excess acids must be neutralized our alkaline reserves are
depleted leaving the body in a weakened condition. The
Difference between Brands : Acid-2-Alkaline has been teaching the concept of
an alkaline body for over 6 years. The myth that taking chemically alkaline
supplements will make your body alkaline overnight is being promoted by many new
aggressive manufactures. Don't be mislead and confused. It's not a matter of
taking a supplement that is chemically very alkaline, in fact some of these
supplements may even be acidic on the body! Some brands of alkaline supplements
do not even reveal there ingredients online. Allot of them are simple chemical
formulas. Acid-2-Alkaline is 100% all natural and
has been formulated from over 36 different all natural
alkaline ingredients. The Acid-2-Alkaline formula is 100% vegetarian and we use
organic ingredients where possible, with absolutely no preservatives, additives
or fillers (see other ingredients of other brands for a list of fillers or
preservatives (liquids) they may use).
Use the Acid-2-Alkaline Supplement : take 3 or more Acid Alkaline caps with
FRESHLY squeezed lemon and filtered water at least once a day. (Cut the lemon in
quarters and squeeze a quarter lemon into a glass of filtered water. Do not use pre-made lemon juice from a store). Now don't get confused, a lemon
is in fact "alkaline" on the body.
Use Acid-2-Alkaline with an Alkaline Diet: Soda pop, alcohol, bear, sugar
and fried foods are very acidic on the body! It takes 26 capsules of Acid-2-Alkaline Supplement to counter balance 1 can of soda pop! It would be crazy
to continue consuming acidic foods if you want to become alkaline. With
supplementation and correct eating it takes weeks to become alkaline, every time
you consume acidic foods you fall back to being acidic within days.
The Super Alkalizing Program : For an effective and powerful alkalizing
program use the Acid-2-Alkaline Capsules or Powder in combination with
super herbal greens
Capsules or Powder.For best results avoid acidic foods and combine these two powerful alkalizing
supplements with an alkaline diet, purchase a alkaline food chart for easy
reference. Eat less "junk food which is acid on the body" and eat more "healthy alkaline food which is alkaline on
the body". You could also purchase a roll of
pH balance paper so that you can test yourself and family many times.
This alkalizing program may also be combined with the
super greens,
immune boosters or
whole food vitamins.
Available in 2 formulas : Acid-to-Alkaline is available in two unique formulas;
Acid-2-Alkaline Original: This effective formula is the combination of alkalizing super
foods and homeopathic minerals. Available in capsules (with free ph testers) or powder
(with free ph testers and alkaline food chart).
Acid-2-Alkaline Special Formula: This is the combination of alkalizing
minerals and super foods specially formulated for people whom suffer from high blood
pressure, lactose intolerant and alfalfa allergies.
Available in capsules (with free ph testers) or powder (with free ph testers and
alkaline food chart).
Acid-to-Alkaline ORIGINAL Capsule
+Free ph strips 90 veg capsule
+Free 3x 1" test strips Code 1030 Price $ 18.25
Acid-to-Alkaline ORIGINAL Powder +Free
ph & chart
270g/9.51oz +Free test strips & Chart Code 1029 Price $ 42.25
Acid-to-Alkaline SPECIAL Capsule
+Free ph strips Use this formula if you
have high blood pressure or are alfalfa or lactose intolerant.
90 veg capsule +Free 3x
1" test strips Code 1027
Price $ 18.25
Acid-to-Alkaline SPECIAL Powder +FREE
ph & chart
Use this formula if you have high blood pressure or are alfalfa or lactose
270g/9.51oz +Free test strips & Chart Code 1026 Price $ 42.25
Safety Notes: Do not take if pregnant. Suitable for
vegetarians. If you suffer from high blood pressure, are lactose intolerant,
allergic to alfalfa leaf then use the Acid-2-Alkaline SPECIAL formula.
Back to top of page |

Homeo-Care pH Testers / PaperServing Size: +- 25mm / 1 inch
serving +- 50 servings Supplied in dispenser pH range 4.5 to 7.5
Selected Alkaline Foods from this Chart :
Alkaline FoodsChart. |
pH Paper / Litmus Testers
Test acidosis and your body pH balance with these pH litmus papers.
pH testers : If the saliva pH balance is too low (below 6.5), the body may be
producing too many acids or may be overwhelmed by acids because it
has lost the ability to adequately remove them and may suffer greatly from
cancer, weakened immune system, excess gas, constipation and production of yeast,
mold and fungus.
Directions : Spit saliva onto the strip. Wait at
least 60 seconds. Compare the color against the chart given. Always perform the
test at least two hours before or after eating or drinking. (The paper strips
are light olive green to start). If you are acidic the pH balance testers will
change to dirty blue to dirty olive green or even light yellow, if you are alkaline it will change
from olive green to dark clear blue. Target to be a dark clear blue all the
time, an alkaline healthy state.

Homeo-Care pH Tester / Paper
457cm / 15 feet per roll Code : 9000 Price $ 9.95
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Alkaline Foods Chart $1.95 each
Includes :
- List of Alkaline Foods - Alkaline Foods Combining - Alkaline Foods Pyramid
(see order button below) Selected Alkaline Foods from this Chart to keep your body alkaline:
Alkaline Foods Chart.
Alkaline cancer treatment and natural cancer alkaline diet for natural cancer therapy and cancer treatment with herbs
to help assist natural cancer prevention. alkaline cancer natural cancer cancer
alkaline diet natural cancer therapy cancer treatment with herbs cancer cure
herb flor essence flor essence tea cancer natural healing natural cancer
prevention essiac cancer cure herbal medicine flora flor essence alkaline cancer
cure herbs that cure cancer. |

Acid Alkaline Food Chart
Use an the Alkaline Supplement with an alkaline diet and alkaline foods to
alkalize the body.
See the acid to
alkaline foods chart for more details. Order a copy of the Alkaline food
chart that includes a list of :
Increase alkaline food : The best cancer alkaline diet includes eating
a diet of 70% whole grains which includes beans, brown rice, brown
barley, nuts & seeds. The other 30% of the diet should
include fresh organic fruit, vegetables and no meat, sugar, alcohol, coffee,
fried foods, artificial colorants, sweeteners, tobacco etc...You could also supplement with a
whole food
vitamins or
green food to help increase your intake of the
essential whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs and greens which all
contain alkaline-nutrients.
2. Avoid acidic foods : such as sodium, saturated fats,
sugar, dairy and similar acid forming "junks foods' like meat, sugar,
alcohol, coffee, fried foods, artificial colorants, sweeteners, tobacco etc. See list of
alkaline foods below.
3. Check your pH balance : Spit saliva onto
the pH paper or litmus testers. (You may order more online on the left. ) The
Acid 2 Alkaline dietary, Super Herbal Greens and an
alkaline diet
will correct your acid imbalance and change your body from acidic to
alkaline condition. See above list for alkaline acid foods.
food's acid or alkaline forming food's tendency in the body has nothing
to do with the actual pH of the food itself. Lemons are very acidic,
however the end products they produce after digestion and assimilation
are very alkaline so lemons are alkaline-forming in the body. Some foods
alkaline foods become acidic when over cooked.
Meat will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves very acidic
residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very
Acid Alkaline Foods Chart & Food Combining Chart 1
Printed Chart 8x8 Code:9001 Normal Price: $3.45
Special Sale Price $ 1.95
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