Single Herbal Capsules & Teas : F to L
List Of Single Herbs
A - E
F - L
M - Z
Herbs on this page:
Fennel, Fenugreek.
Garlic, Ginger, Gymnema, Ginko Biloba, Ginseng Siberian, Golden Rod,
Goldenseal, Gotu Kola, Green Tea, Guarana, Guggul.
Horsetail, Hawthorn, Horehound, Hyssop.
Kava Kava, Kelp.

Fennel (aerial)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Fennel is an herb similar in quality to anise and caraway. It
promotes functioning of the kidneys, liver and spleen and also clears
the lungs. Relieves abdominal pain, colon disorders, gas and
gastrointestinal tract spasms. Useful for acid stomach. Good after
chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments for cancer.
Fennel 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0401 Price $ 7.75
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0616 Price $ 6.98
Fenugreek (seed)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Fenugreek is a member of the bean family
and has a balancing effect on the blood sugar levels and helps
cholesterol. It is good for the eyes and for inflammation and lung
disorders. It acts as a laxative, lubricates the intestines and
reduces fever.
Fenugreek 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0402 Price $ 7.75
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Garlic has powerful antibiotic and
heart-protective properties. It detoxifies the body and protects
against infection by enhancing immune function. Also for
lowering blood
pressure and improves circulation. Helps stabilize blood sugar levels,
aids in treatment of arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, cancer,
colds and flu., digestive problems, heart disorders, insomnia, liver
disease, sinusitis, ulcers and yeast infections.
Safety: Not recommended for people who take
anticoagulants, as garlic has blood thinning actions.
Garlic 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0406 Price $ 7.75
Ginger (root)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Ginger has been revered as a medical panacea for 5,000 years. It
fights inflammation, cleanses the colon, reduces spasms and cramps,
and stimulates circulation. A strong antioxidant and effective
antimicrobial agent for sores and wounds. Protects the liver and
stomach, useful for bowel disorders, circulatory problems, arthritis,
fever, headache, hot flashes, indigestion, morning sickness, motion
sickness, muscle pains, nauseau and vomiting.
**(OUT OF STOCK) Ginger 60 Veg Capsules Code : 0408 Price $ 7.75
Gymnema (aerial)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Gymnema 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0418 Price $ 16.95
Ginko Biloba
caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Ginko Biloba is one of the oldest surviving species of trees and
is good for poor circulation and memory loss. It improves brain
functioning by increasing cerebral and peripheral circulation and
tissue oxygenation. Has antioxidant properties. May slow the
progression of Alzheimer’s disease and may relive leg cramps by
improving circulation. Beneficial for asthma, dementia, depression,
eczema, headaches, heart and kidney disorders, and tinnitis(ringing of
the ears). Note: Can take at least two weeks to see results.
Safety: People who take prescription blood thinning medications or who
regularly take over-the-counter painkillers should consult with a
health care provider before using.
Ginko Biloba 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0409 Price $ 12.95
Siberian (root)
caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Siberian Ginseng also called the "king
of adaptogens" has a wide range of vitalizing effects. It increases
hearing, mental and physical work capacity, improves eyesight,
supports immunity and stress adaptation. Tonic for weakness, recovery
and convalescence.
Safety: Do not use while taking antibiotics, digitalis,
or hexobarbitol. May slightly raise
blood pressure.
Ginseng 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0410 Price $ 25.95
Golden Rod
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Golden Rod 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0411 Price $ 8.85
Golden Rod
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0626 Price $ 7.97
(aerial & root)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Goldenseal fights infection and
inflammation. Cleanses the body. Increases the effectiveness of
insulin and strengthens the immune system, colon, liver, pancreas,
spleen, and lymphatic and respiratory systems. Improves digestion,
regulates menses, decreases uterine bleeding,
lower blood pressure
and stimulates the central nervous system. Good for allergies, ulcers,
and disorders affecting the bladder, prostate stomach or vagina. Used
at the first sign of possible symptoms, can stop a cold, flu or sore
throat from developing. Alternating with other
herbs such as echinacea
is helpful.
Safety: Should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, or
people with high blood pressure or insomnia. Should not be used for
prolong periods of time.
Goldenseal 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0412 Price $ 28.95
Gotu Kola
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Gotu Kola helps eliminate excess fluids,
decreases fatigue and depression, dilates arteries, improves flow
through the veins; improves symptoms in 80%. Strengthens and repairs
vein and artery walls, reduces hardening. Helps varicose veins,
phlebitis, leg cramps, ulcers, swelling and heaviness.
Safety: Contact dermatitis if applied topically.
Gotu Kola 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0413 Price $ 8.85
Green Tea (aerial)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Green Tea acts as an antioxidant and
helps to protect against cancer.
Lowering cholesterol levels, reduces
the clotting tendency of the blood, stimulates the immune system,
fights tooth decay, helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels,
combats mental fatigue and may delay the onset of atherosclerosis.
Good for asthma, shows promise of weight-loss aid and may help prevent
enlarged prostate.
Green Tea 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0415 Price $ 8.85
Guarana (seed)
caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Guarana acts as a general tonic,
stimulant and intestinal cleanser. Increases mental alertness, reduces
fatigue, increases mental alertness, useful for headaches, urinary
tract infection and diarrhea.
Safety : Due to Guarana’s low caffeine
content it is not recommended to take more than 600mg a day. Not
recommended with people with
high blood pressure or heart conditions.
Guarana 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0416 Price $ 8.85
caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Guggul (Gum) is native to Arabia and
India. The resin of this thorny tree is the supreme
cholesterol herb in the world, works the fastest and has the
most scientific evidence behind it. It is also used to treat obesity,
lipid disorders and rheumatoid arthritis. It helps lower triglyceride
Safety: It may stimulate the thyroid and the uterus so best
avoid in hyperthyroidism and pregnancy.
Guggul 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0417 Price $
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Horsetail is a relative of prehistoric
trees from 270 million years ago. High in silica acts as a diuretic,
lessens inflammation and reduces muscle cramps and spasms. Useful for
prostate disorders, gallbladder disorders, treatment of arthritis
bolsters, healing of broken bones and connective tissue. Aids calcium
absorption, which promotes healthy skin and strengthens bone, hair,
nails and teeth.
Safety: If used for prolong period, supplemental
vitamin B1(thiamin) should be taken, as horsetail interferes with the
absorption of this vitamin.
60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0424 Price $ 8.85
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0639 Price $ 7.97
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Hawthorn dilates the coronary blood
vessels, lowering blood pressure and
natural cholesterol lowering, and restores
heart muscle. Decreases fat deposit levels, and increases
intracellular level vitamin C levels. Useful for anemia,
cardiovascular and circulatory disorders and lowered immunity and high
Safety: There are no known interactions with
conventional cardiac drugs, but hawthorn may strengthen the effect of
cardiac glycosides (digitalis).
60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0419 Price $ 9.95
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0634 Price $ 8.96
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Horehound decreases thickness and
increases fluidity of mucus in the bronchial tubes and lungs. Boosts
immune system, useful for indigestion, loss of appetite, bloating, and
hay fever, sinusitis and other respiratory disorders.
Safety: Should
not be used during pregnancy.
Code : 0421 Price $ 8.85
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0636 Price $ 7.97
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Hyssop’s budding leaves and clusters of
purple-blue colors are common to many American gardens. It promotes
expulsion of mucus from the respiratory tract, relieves congestion,
lowering blood pressure, and dispels gas. Good for circulatory
problems, epilepsy, fever weight problems and gout.
Safety: Should not be used during pregnancy.
60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0425 Price $ 8.85
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0640 Price $ 7.97
Kava Kava
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Kava Kava is a South Pacific member of
the pepper family which induces physical and mental relaxation.
Helpful for anxiety and anxiety disorders, insomnia, stress-related
disorders, menopausal symptoms and urinary tract infections. Acts as a
diuretic, genitourinary antiseptic and gastrointestinal tonic.
Safety: Do not take with alcohol or other pharmaceutical
tranquilizers. Use for only 3 months at a time. Excess use can lead to
a temporary scaly rash. Should not be taken by those with Parkinson’s
Kava Kava 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0428 Price $
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Kelp is a brown seaweed which grows on
the shores of both the north Atlantic and western Mediterranean. It is
used as an edible vegetable and has good source of trace minerals,
useful in low or enlarged
treatment; activates
underactive thyroid functioning,
often boosts T4 levels if borderline. Treats goiter, increases basal
metabolic rate, lessens edema and balances blood lipids. Best used in
conjunction with the "Thyroid Help"
Kelp 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0429 Price $ 7.75
(aerial & root)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Licorice cleanses the colon, reduces muscle spasms, increases
fluidity of mucus in the lungs and bronchial tubes and promotes
adrenal gland function. Beneficial for inflammatory bowel disorders,
depression, chronic fatigue, emphysema, enlarged prostate. Has
estrogen-and progesterone-like effects. Helps to inhibit the formation
of plaque and prevent bacteria from sticking to tooth enamel.
Safety: Should not be used during pregnancy nor by persons with
diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, high
blood pressure, severe
menstrual cramps. Should not be used on a daily basis for more than
seven days in a row.
Licorice 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0435 Price $ 8.85
Licorice 20 Tea Bags
Code : 0650 Price $
List Of Single Herbs
A - E
F - L
M - Z