Discount Herbs Special Page : M to Z
List Of Single Herbs
A - E
- L
M - Z
Herbs on this page:
Milk Thistle, Motherwort, Mullein.
Nettles, Passionflower, Pau D Arco, Peppermint.
Red Clover, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto & Pygeum, Saw Palmetto, Senna, Shepherd's
Purse, Skullcap, Slippery Elm Bark, St Johns Wort.
Tansy, Turmeric, Valerian, White Willow, Wild Yam, Yarrow, Yohimbe.
Milk Thistle
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Milk Thistle 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0441 Price $ 12.95
Motherwort (aerial)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Motherwort is helpful for
treatment and
rheumatic problems. Has a tonic effect on the heart. Helpful for
menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms, headache, insomnia and
Safety: Should not be used during pregnancy as it can
stimulate uterine contractions. Not recommended for persons with
clotting disorders (Should we add)
Motherwort 60 Veg Capsules Code : 0442 Price $ 8.85
Motherwort 20 Tea Bags Code : 0657 Price $ 7.97
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Mullein is a soothing demulcent for
respiratory ailments. It clears congestion and aids in getting rid of
warts. Useful for asthma, bronchitis, difficulty breathing, earache,
hay fever and swollen glands. Used in kidney formulas to soothe
Mullein 60 Veg Capsules Code : 0443 Price $ 8.85
Mullein 20 Tea Bags
Code : 0658 Price $ 7.97
Nettles (aerial)
caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Nettle acts as a diuretic, expectorant,
pain reliever and tonic. Good for benign prostatic hyperplasia,
anemia, arthritis, rheumatism, hay fever, and other allergic
disorders, kidney problems, and malabsorption syndrome. Improves
goiter, inflammatory conditions and mucous conditions of the lungs.
Used in hair care products, helps stimulate hair
follicles and regulate scalp oil build up.
Nettles 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0447 Price $ 8.85
Nettles 20 Tea Bags
Code : 0662 Price $ 7.97
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Passionflower grows from Southeastern
America to Brazil. It has a gentle sedative effect and helps
blood pressure naturally. It is also helpful for insomnia, anxiety,
hyperactivity, neuritis and stress-related conditions.
Passionflower 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0451 Price $ 8.85
Passionflower 20 Tea Bags
Code : 0666 Price $ 7.97
Pau D Arco (bark)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Pau D’Arco is an evergreen tree in the
bignonia family and is native to Florida, Central and South America.
It fights bacterial and viral infection, cleanses the blood. Good for
candidiasis, smoker’s cough, warts, and all types of infection.
Helpful for AIDS, allergies, cancer, cardiovascular problems,
inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatism, tumors and ulcers.
Pau D Arco 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0452 Price $ 8.85
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Peppermint was originally from Africa
but is now native to most of Europe and cultivate in North America.
This herb increases stomach acidity therefore aiding digestion.
Slightly anesthetizes mucous membranes and the gastrointestinal tract.
Useful for chills, colic, diarrhea, headache, heart trouble,
indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, poor appetite,
rheumatism and spasms.
Peppermint 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0453 Price $ 7.75
Red Clover (bark)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Red Clover is a member of the bean
family and native to Eurasia. It is known to fight infection,
suppresses appetite and purifies the blood. Has expectorant,
antispasmodic and relaxing effects. Good for skin disorders,
kidney problems, inflammatory bowel disorders, coughs,
bronchitis, HIV and AIDS and weakened immune system.
Due to estrogen effects, should not be taken by pregnant or
lactating women or by persons taking blood thinning agents.
Red Clover 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0456 Price $ 8.85
caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Sarsaparilla is a member of the lily
order and today the root is prescribed for its steroidal
hormone-like effects. It promotes excretion of fluids,
increases energy, protects against harm from radiation
exposure and regulates hormones. Useful for disorders caused
by blood impurities, and useful for frigidity, hives,
impotence, infertility, nervous system disorders, premenstrual
syndrome, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Sarsaparilla 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0462 Price $ 8.85
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0677 Price $ 7.97
Saw Palmetto & Pygeum (berry & bark)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Saw Palmetto & Pygeum
60 Veg Capsules Code : 0465 Price $ 15.95
Saw Palmetto
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Saw Palmetto has been extensively researched and is the
most widely used prostate herb. It is used clinically in
Europe to treat benign prostate hyperplasia(BPH). It acts as a
diuretic, urinary antiseptic, and appetite stimulant. Inhibits
production of dihydrotestosterone, a form of testoreone that
contributes to enlargement of the prostate. May also enhance
sexual functioning and sexual desire.
Due to a slightly estrogenic effect, it has been known to
increase breast size.
Saw Palmetto 60 Veg Capsules Code : 0464 Price $
Senna (aerial)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Senna is a popular component of
over-the-counter laxatives worldwide. Used in iron deficient
anemia, for parasites or for general sluggishness. Useful in
cases of fissure or hemorrhoids. Works within ten (10) hours
Safety: Can cause cramping , so is best used in combination
with other Herb’s. Should not be taken for more than two weeks
to avoid weakening bowel. Should not be used if you have
diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain. Consult your
physician if you have frequent diarrhea. If you are pregnant,
nursing, taking medication of have a medical condition,
consult your physician before using this product.
Senna is a herb that has traditionally been used as a natural herbal laxative. See
Colonic Cleanser for a
balanced herbal cleanser.
Senna 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0466 Price $ 7.75
Senna 20 Tea Bags Code : 0681 Price $ 6.98
Shepherd's Purse
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Shepherd’s Purse is used for heavy
uterine bleeding during or between menses or due to fibroids,
miscarriage, menopause or post-partum bleeding. It stimulates
an atonic uterus to contract after childbirth to reduce
postpartum bleeding. Stops both internal and external
Safety: Due to its stimulant properties, a
person should not use during pregnancy or if you have a
history of kidney stones.
Shepherd's Purse 60 Veg Caps
Code : 0467 Price $ 8.85
Shepard's Purse 20 Tea Bags
Code : 0682 Price $ 7.97
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Skullcap was used by Native Americans
and early settlers as it is today: an effective herb for
anxiety and the effects of stress. It aids sleep, improves
circulation and strengthens the heart muscle. Relieves muscle
cramps, pain, spasms, and stress. Good for anxiety, fatigue,
cardiovascular disease, headache, hyperactivity, nervous
disorders and rheumatism. Useful in treating barbiturate
addiction and drug withdrawal.
Safety: Should not be given
to children under 6.
Skullcap 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0468 Price $ 8.85
Skullcap 20 Tea Bags Code : 0683 Price $ 7.97
Slippery Elm Bark
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Slippery Elm Bark is a soothing demulcent for irritation
anywhere in the digestive tract. It soothes inflamed mucous
membranes of the bowels, stomach and urinary tract. Beneficial
for Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis,
diverticulitis and gastritis.
Slippery Elm 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0469 Price $ 8.85
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0684 Price $ 7.97
St Johns
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
St. John’s Wort is a European and North American native
and has reached enormous popularity for its anti-depressant
and antiviral affects. In laboratory studies, protects bone
marrow and intestinal mucosa from x-ray damage.
Safety: Do not use if taking prescription
anti-depressants or any other medication that interacts with
MAO inhibitors. Avoid during pregnancy or lactation. For
HIV/AIDS patients, do not take while using Indinavir.
St Johns Wort
60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0470 Price $
St Johns
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0685 Price $ 7.97
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Tansy is known for its
antifungal, antibacterial and anti-parasitic effects against
threadworm and roundworm. It is a bitter digestive tonic and
stimulant which helps expel gas.
6 0 Veg Capsules
Code : 0472 Price $ 8.85
Tansy 20 Tea Bags
Code : 0687 Price $ 7.97
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Turmeric is known to fight free
radicals, protects the liver against toxins, inhibits platelet
aggregation, aids circulation, helps
lower cholesterol levels, and
improves blood vessel health. Has antibiotic, anticancer, and
anti-inflammatory properties. Good for all arthritic
conditions. Has inhibited the spread of HIV in laboratory
Safety: Extended use can result in stomach distress. Not
recommended for persons with biliary tract obstruction, as
circumin stimulates bile secretion.
Turmeric 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0474 Price $ 7.75
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Valerian is a European herb that has been used for over 2,000
years to calm and soothe the nervous system. It acts as a sedative,
improves circulation, and reduces mucus from colds. Good for anxiety,
fatigue, as a
high blood pressure
herb, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome,
menstrual and muscle cramps, pain, spasms, stress and ulcers.
Safety: Long term use may cause depression, headache, anxiety or
palpitations. Not advised for children under two.
Valerian 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0476 Price $
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0692 Price $
White Willow
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
White Willow contains compounds from which aspirin was derived. It
is good for allergies, headache, backache, nerve pain, joint
inflammation, menstrual cramps, toothache and injuries.
Safety: Not
recommended for use during pregnancy. May interfere with absorption of
iron and other minerals when taken internally. Should not be used by
people who are allergic to aspirin.
White Willow 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0479 Price $
Wild Yam
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Wild Yam is a vine that may reach up to
20 ft and grows in the damp woodlands of North and Central America. It
contains compounds similar to the hormone progesterone. It relaxes
muscle spasms, reduces inflammation and is good for female disorders,
including premenstrual syndrome and menopause-related symptoms. It is
also good for colic, gallbladder disorders, hypoglycemia, irritable
bowel syndrome, kidney stones, neuralgia, and rheumatism.
Wild Yam 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0480 Price $
(aerial & flower)
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Yarrow reduces fever, promotes perspiration and is also used in
allergies and hayfevers. It has anti-inflammatory and a mild pain
reliever for achiness of flu and is effective for hemorrhage from
wounds, internal injuries, bleeding from varicose veins and nosebleed.
Safety: Do not use during pregnancy.
Yarrow 60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0482 Price $
20 Tea Bags
Code : 0698 Price $ 7.97
2 caps / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
vegetarian capsules
Yohimbe increases libido and blood flow
to erectile tissue. May increase testosterone levels.
Safety: Should not be used by anyone with high
pressure, heart, kidney or liver disease or a psychological
disorder. Should not be combined with foods such as cheese,
red wine, and liver, as this may increase blood pressure to
dangerous levels.
60 Veg Capsules
Code : 0484 Price $ 15.95
List Of Single Herbs
A - E
- L
M - Z

Herbs on this page:
Milk Thistle, Motherwort, Mullein.
Nettles, Passionflower, Pau D Arco, Peppermint.
Red Clover, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto & Pygeum, Saw Palmetto, Senna, Shepherd's
Purse, Skullcap, Slippery Elm Bark, St Johns Wort.
Tansy, Turmeric, Valerian, White Willow, Wild Yam, Yarrow, Yohimbe. |