Flax Seed Capsules $ 17.45

 Flax Seed Capsules
Contains Essential Fatty Acids, Fiber, Protein and Mucilage.
The Healthy Benefits of Flax Seed: Flax
seed is one third oil and the rest is made up of fiber, protein and mucilage.
Flax seed contains the three Essential Fatty Acids in just the right
Essential Fatty Acids are Extremely Important: EFA's are required for the function and structure of the brain,
natural cholesterol lowering, skin, memory, mood
balance and concentration. The cells of the body need the omega 3 fatty acids from which they build
their cell membranes, which protect them.
Whole food vegetarian formula. -
Great source of lignans, vitamins, and minerals. -
Also with fiber, protein and mucilage.
The Difference Between Saturated and Unsaturated Fats? Bad fats
and oils, also termed sutured fats or trans fatty acids, such as those found in all fried foods,
processed foods. Good
fats and oils, also termed unsaturated fats, such as extra virgin olive oil,
cold pressed flax seed oil, fish oils and evening primrose oil. These virgin oils or EFA's are polyunsaturated, they have carbon bonds that are easily
broken and do not result in harm to the body. Be aware good oil such as olive
oil are irrevocably changed for the worse when they are heated, even for a short
period. When good EFA's are heated
even a little their bonds are changed and they become trans fatty acids: sticky and
harmful fats. Don't kid yourself when using virgin olive oil to sauté or stir
Use this Pure Flax Seed Supplement: Phytovitamins Flax Seed is probably the
purest all natural whole food supplement you and your family will ever use.
Vegetarian capsule and formula. Additive free, filler free & chemical free. For
best results use the flax seed capsules with popular supplements for
high blood pressure,
menopause, PMS
and the women's herb tonic. Another popular combination is
super greens
& alkaline supplements.
Flax Seed Capsules
90 vegetarian caps : 1102 : $ 9.45
$ 7.95
Note: For Vegetarian Omega Capsules use the Phytovitamins
Omega 3
Supplement. Probably the purest all natural whole food supplement you and your
family will ever use.

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