Flower Essence & Remedies
Flower Essences is an Emergency Flower Essence
Formula For Stress & Emotional Support. Has No side effects!
Flower Essence on this page:
Links to other Emotion and Stress Supplements;
Essential Flower Essences;
Emergency Remedy is for times to help balance the emotions, relieve stress and
reduce fear and nervousness. Development of Bach Flower Remedies;
Some of the first well know flower essence remedies were created by a Harley
Street doctor, Edward Bach, in the 1930s. His Philosophy, " A healthy mind
ensures a healthy body", was ahead of it’s time when you consider that today
more and more medical experts are acknowledging the links between our mental and
physical health.
Dr. Bach devised a system of seven major emotional groups under which people
could be classified, such as Fear, Uncertainty or Loneliness. He categorized 38
negative states of mind under these groups. Then using his knowledge of
homoeopathy, Dr. Bach formulated a plant or flower based remedy to treat each of
these emotional states.
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NaturesBrands.com, Flower Essences, Emergency Flower Essence Formula
For Stress & Emotions. |

Emergency Flower Essence Formula Facts;
28 drops / serving 50 servings / bottle
Flower Essence Blend: Cherry Plum Clematis Rock Rose Impatiens Star of Bethlehem
Other Ingredients: Filtered Water and small quantity of brandy alcohol. Once diluted with water less than
1%. Safe for pets and children. Not suitable for ex-alcoholics.
Emergency Flower Essence Formula
Natural, gentle formula for emotional distress, stress, shock, and emotional
emergencies. No side effects.
Flower essence is one of nature's own natural emotion remedies. Ideal for
children, adults and pets. Taken orally Flower essences work at the “energy anatomy” level of the body in a similar way
to acupuncture.
The benefits of working in this way include the fact that there are no “side
effects”, or “contra indications”, they can be mixed with any other form of
medication with no risk.
Another benefit of working at the energy anatomy level is that flower essences
are subtle yet at the same time powerful. They do not “hit you over the head”.
Since the time of Dr Edward Bach hundreds, even thousands of sets of flower
essences have been made all over the world.
Each country has a unique energy, and the plants that grow in each country have
a contribution to make to world healing.
In order to help people heal the effects of living in stressful times, the plant
kingdom has brought new healing formulas for us to use.
Emergency Flower Essence Blend 50ml bottle : 1201 Sale Price $ 18.95
Safety Notes : Safe for adults, children and pets. Contains 2% brandy once diluted.