Cardio & Heart Health Supplement
Heart health supplement plus heart herb for
heart disease heart health and cardio support. All natural heart supplement.
Heart health supplements on this page:
Links to other Cholesterol & High Blood Pressure Supplements;
Herbal heart health supplement;
Every year 1,6 million Americans have heat attacks over 30 percent die from
them. The heart is a muscle that pumps blood around the body. With each heart
beat of the heart, the right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood into the lungs
while the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood into the arteries for
circulation around the body.
The heart in turn depends on the oxygenated coming to it through the coronary
arteries (arteries around the heart) for necessary oxygen and nutrients.
If coronary arteries are restricted due to the deposit of fatty plaques in the
arteries, or a blood clout in the artery, or a piece of tissue lodged then the
heart may be deprived of vital oxygen causing a heart attack.
If blood flow is not restored within minutes then part of the heart muscle begin
to die permanently damaging the heart.
Some of the risk factors associated with heart disease and heart attacks are;
High Levels of blood fats (cholesterol). Eating too many fatty foods, drinking
to much alcohol or having high insulin levels can result in elevated
triglyceride levels.
Alternative heart disease treatment and a way to prevent heart disease;
Although it is Americas number one killer, claming over a quarter of a
million lives annually, heart disease and heart attacks are preventable in most
Apart from lifestyle changes and exercise, nutrition and herbs can play an
important role in heart health. Obviously medical diagnosis, treatment and often
hospitalization are needed for serious heart problems. But herbs, diet and
lifestyle can play an important role in prevention and long term healing.
Step1 - Diet : Control your cholesterol levels with herbal formulas and
diet changes. Reduce your intake of saturated fats. Reduce and even eliminate
your intake of salt, sodium, processed foods, hydrogenated oils, butter,
margarine, fried foods, meat and animal fats, diet drinks, MSG, processed foods.
Increase your intake to at least 3 times a day of fresh raw fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables, fruit and salads. Use a
green supplement
if needed.
Step2 - Supplement : Use all natural herbal supplements with ingredients
that are know to help reduce or manage
blood pressure.
Step3 - Exercise : Increase exercise and stretching to manage stress and
improve circulation. Change the way you manage stress, do not allow things to
get you down or stressed out.
Step 4 - Essential Fatty Acids : Increase your intake of Omega 3,6 &9
unsaturated fats from cold pressed oils such as virgin olive oil and virgin
flax seed oils. Taken directly and used as a replacement for salads and foods.
Only use extra virgin cold pressured oils, DO NOT USE THESE OILS TO FRY, ROAST
OR BAKE WITH. They will be transferred into saturated fats once heated.
Money Back Guarantee We are so confident that you will be satisfied, that we offer a 60 day Money Back Guarantee with a 2 product limit.
Heart health supplement plus heart herb for heart disease heart health and
cardio support. All natural heart supplement.

Cardio Support
Supplement Facts
Serving Size:
2 capsules / serving
600mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
veg / capsules
Hawthorn (berries)
Cayenne (fruit)
Ginger (root)Rosehips (fruit) Bilberry (berries)
Other Ingredients:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar, yeast or
wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on
animals. |

Cardio Support
With Herbs that Help Improve Circulation and Heart Health.
The heart is the most important muscle in the body. Apart from lifestyle changes and exercise, nutrition and herbs can play an
important role in heart health.
Obviously medical diagnosis, treatment and often hospitalization are
needed for serious heart problems.
But herbs, diet and lifestyle can play an important role in prevention
and long term healing.
Cardio Support has herbs that help improve circulation, strengthen heart
muscles, lowering blood pressure and act as excellent heart tonics.
A simple pulse test can help you determine how well your heart is. A pulse of 60 or below is OK,
if your pulse is 80 or more you need to change your lifestyle. Consult your
Doctor for an accurate reading.
Herbs included in this Heart Supplement Formula;
Hawthorn Berries : An essential heart tonic, helps strengthen heart muscles,
protect from damage. Reduces cholesterol effects, prevents deposits on arterial
walls. Helps to dilate coronary arteries increasing blood flow and oxygen
Cayenne : Excellent to improve blood circulation and stop bleeding. Good
for heart, kidney and lungs.
Bilberry : Acts as an antioxidant and antiseptic. Keeps blood vessels
flexible, allowing increased blood flow.
Rosehip : Naturally rich in vitamin c, an excellent antioxidant to help
strengthen the bodies resistance.
Cardio Support Capsules
60 veg caps
Code : 0309
Price $ 18.95
Cardio Support Tea
20 tea bags
Code : 0529
Price $ 9.95
Safety : Suitable for vegetarians.
Blood Thinning Medication Warning
People who take prescription blood thinning medication or who regularly take
over – the counter painkillers should consult with a health care provider before
using. There are no known interactions with conventional cardiac drugs, but some
herbs may strengthen the effects of cardiac glycosides (digitalis). Do not take
if pregnant. Start with half dose first week, a health care provider should help
monitor blood pressure at regular intervals. Use on a cycle of 4 weeks on then
break 1week. |
Circulation Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 capsules / serving 600mg / serving 60 caps / bottle veg / capsules
Ingredients: Hawthorn (berry) Ginger (root) Cayenne (fruit) Motherwort (aerial)
Other Ingredients: Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No
sugar, yeast or wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on animals.
Improve Circulation
Circulation Herbal Formula
Many health problems are associated with poor circulation, when the
oxygenated blood carrying vital life giving properties can not circulate to all
parts of the body.
Poor circulation can be a result of clots, diminishing blood flow,
plaque and fatty deposits along the walls of arteries.
Even stress or injury can be a result in poor circulation.
Hypertension, or
high blood pressure, results because the blood exerts
greater pressure against narrowed or rigid blood vessels.
Hypertension can lead to more complicated health problems such as a
stroke, chest pains, kidney damage and heart attack.
Herbs that are known to help improve circulation include;
Hawthorn Berry : A
high blood pressure herb known to help dilate coronary blood vessels, and
help lower blood pressure. Also decreases fatty deposit levels.
Ginger : This well known herb has a number of qualities that include
helping improve circulation, relieve digestion problems and help with
Cayenne : Aids digestion, improves circulation and has cleansing
properties on the body. Also called hot pepper and red pepper.
Motherwort : Has excellent circulation aiding properties, and has
traditionally been used to relieve child birth pain, hence the name
Motherwort. Should not be used when pregnant before on the onset of labor.
Circulation Capsules
60 veg caps Code : 0280
Price $ 15.95
Circulation Tea
20 tea bags Code : 0501
Price $ 8.95
Safety : Suitable for vegetarians.
Blood Thinning Medication Warning
People who take prescription blood thinning medication or who regularly take
over – the counter painkillers should consult with a health care provider before
using. There are no known interactions with conventional cardiac drugs, but some
herbs may strengthen the effects of cardiac glycosides (digitalis). Do not take
if pregnant. Start with half dose first week, a health care provider should help
monitor blood pressure at regular intervals. Use on a cycle of 4 weeks on then
break 1week. |
Blood Pressure Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 capsules / serving 600mg / serving 60 caps / bottle veg / capsules
Ingredients: Hawthorn (berries) Yarrow (aerial) Cayenne (fruit) Garlic (bulb)
Other Ingredients: Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No
sugar, yeast or wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No
animal extracts. Not tested on animals.
Customer Testimonial :
High Blood Pressure Herb |
High Blood Pressure Herb Formula
Lower Blood Pressure Naturally.
An estimated 50 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure.
Common causes of high blood pressure include high
cholesterol, smoking, stress, obesity, stimulants such as coffee, tea or
drug abuse, high sodium intake and the use of oral contraceptives.
Some herbs are known to help improve circulation, and in some cases help to
control and lower blood pressure naturally.
Natural remedies should be used in conjunction with a
lower cholesterol and
sodium diet while increasing your intake of essential fatty acids (EFA's) from
Flax Seed Oil,
Primrose Oil or
Omega Oils.
Essential Fatty Acids are naturally rich in essential fatty acids which help
maintain a healthy heart and arteries and keep cell membranes working properly.
Read more about
lowering high blood pressure
on the Blood Pressure
Formula page.
Customer Testimonial :
Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Blood Pressure High Capsules
60 Veg Capsules Code : 0306
Price $ 18.95
Blood Pressure High Tea
20 tea bags Code : 0526
Price $ 9.95
Safety : Suitable for vegetarians.
Blood Thinning Medication Warning
People who take prescription blood thinning medication or who regularly take
over – the counter painkillers should consult with a health care provider before
using. There are no known interactions with conventional cardiac drugs, but some
herbs may strengthen the effects of cardiac glycosides (digitalis). Do not take
if pregnant. Start with half dose first week, a health care provider should help
monitor blood pressure at regular intervals. Use on a cycle of 4 weeks on then
break 1week.