Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathic medicine and remedies for
treatment and cure.
Homeopathic Medicine Formulas on this page:
Headache & Pain
Kidney & Bladder
Liver & Gall
Male Tonic
Stop Smoking
Links to other Homeopathic Remedies Formulas;
What is a Homeopathic Biochemic System?
Dr Schuessler a prominent Homeopathic Doctor discovered that if the body became
deficient in the basic essential minerals then an abnormal condition would
To him, a symptom was merely a distress signal, warning that the body is missing
essential minerals. Once these missing minerals were restored a normal condition
followed. This he termed the "Biochemic System of homeopathic medicine".
The Benefits of Homeopathic Medicine;
Homeopathy is a complete system of which aims to promote general health, by
reinforcing the body's own natural healing capacity. Because Homeopathy uses
"energy" of the substance rather than the chemical properties, a system had to
be discovered that would release this energy and make it available for
assimilation into the body. The system used is called potentization, this is the
result of repeated dilution and succussion (vibration).
Homeopathic medicine treats the patients as whole beings, by respecting the
symptoms first and recognizing that there is a reason that they exist in the
first place. And then they work reactively - by giving the remedy that in a well
person would create the totality of symptoms that the patient is already
experiencing. That is the heart of the homeopathic medicine method and practice.
It is called similarity. Safe for adults and children.
Homeopathic medicine provides a safe, effective, natural, nontoxic treatment for
many acute and chronic illnesses. While the homeopathic medicine may be said to
be a throwback to ancient practices, it must also be considered, in the light of
modern scientific discoveries, to be the most modern form of medicine.
More information about homeopathy and homeopathic medicine.
Money Back Guarantee We are so confident that you will be satisfied, that we offer a 60 day Money Back Guarantee with a 2 product limit.
Remember this is a natural product and may take a little longer to work than
chemical equivalents. Natures Brands in harmony with nature, use only all
natural products.
NaturesBrands.com, Homeopathic medicine and remedies for
treatment and cure.
Gout Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
10 to 28 drops / serving
0.5ml to 1ml /serving
50ml liquid / bottle
Urtica tr 6c
Ledium 6c
Colchicum 6c
Nux vom 6c
Lycopodium 6c
Belladonna 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a based of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content less than 2%
Gout Homeo-Care is a liquid homeopathic
Gout Homeo-Care is a liquid homeopathic treatmentthat
includes some of the following ingredients;
Lycopodium is taken from the spores of club moss. The spores of the plant
are shaped like a wolf’s paw, which gives the remedy its name: lyco means "wolf"
and podo means "foot". This remedy is helpful for headache, and migraine,
allergies, arthritis, rhinitis, acute asthma, infections of all sorts, colds,
flu, bronchitis, otitis media and chronic fatigue. This remedy was created by
Samuel Hahnemann.
Nux Vomica (Nux vom) is taken from the gray seeds of a tree. This tree is
related to the Saint Ignatius bean, making Ignatia and Nux Vomica was created by
Samuel Hahnemann. This remedy aids constipation, hemorrhoids, influenza, also
diarrhea, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome,
lowering blood pressure, spasms and
twitches of all sorts. Sleep disorders, insomnia, addictions to coffee, tea,
drugs, alcohol, tobacco and also coughs and colds, acute asthma, chronic
fatigue, gout complaints and environmental illness and neuralgic pains.
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Gout - Homeopathic Liquid
50ml liquid bottle Code : 1056
Price $ 15.45
Headache & Pain Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
10 to 28 drops / serving
0.5ml to 1ml /serving
50ml liquid / bottle
Mellitotus 6c
Actea rac 6c
Cyclamen 6c
Gelsemium 6c
Spigelia 6c
Ginko 6c
Aranea 6c
Arnica 6c
Mag Phos 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a based of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content less
than 2% |
Headache & Pain
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Headache & Pain Homeo-Care is a liquid homeopathic
treatmentthat includes some of the following ingredients;
Gelsemium is taken from the plant yellow jasmine (called Chambeli Hindu).
It belongs to the Natural Order Longaniaceae and is native to India, Europe, and
North America. It aids influenza, diarrhea, fever, hay fever, laryngitis, upper
respiratory infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, vertigo, tremor and
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Headache & Pain - Homeopathic Liquid
50ml liquid bottle Code : 1057
Price $ 15.45

Bruises Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
10 to 28 drops / serving
0.5ml to 1ml /serving
50ml liquid / bottle
Arnica 6c
Bellis per 6c
Hypericum ledum 6c
Rhus tox 6c
Ruta grav 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a based of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content less
than 2%
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Bruises Homeo-Care is a
liquid homeopathic treatmentthat includes some of the following ingredients;
Arnica montana (Arnica) Arnica is also
commonly called leopard's bane. The arnica plant has a bright yellow, daisy-like
flower that blooms around July. Preparations made from the flowering heads have
been used in homeopathic medicine for hundreds of years. It is popular in
Germany and over 100 drug preparations are made from the plant. Arnica is a
perennial that is protected in parts of Europe. Arnica works by stimulating the
activity of white blood cells that perform much of the digestion of congested
blood, and by dispersing trapped, disorganized fluids from bumped and bruised
tissue, joints and muscles. Arnica is known to stimulate blood circulation and
can raise blood pressure, especially in the coronary arteries. The plant is used
externally for arthritis, burns, ulcers, eczema and acne. It has anti-bacterial
and anti-inflammatory qualities that can reduce pain and swelling, improving
wound healing.
Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus Tox) is taken
from poison ivy, and is also known as snow rose. The leaves of the plant are
used in the creation of the remedy. This remedy is good for joint and muscle
pain, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, low back pain, connective tissue
disease, toricolis, tendonitis, sciatica, housemaid’s knee, lumbago and sprains.
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little
water or under the tongue 3 times daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in
acute cases. Take in smaller doses more often, rather than larger doses less
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Bruises Homeopathic Liquid
50ml liquid bottle Code : 1058
Price $ 15.45
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
10 to 28 drops / serving
0.5ml to 1ml /serving
50ml liquid / bottle
Sulphur 6c
Psorinum 6c
Chelidonium 6c
Graphites 6c
Lycopodium 6c
Rhus Tox 6c
Urtica urens 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a based of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content less
than 2%
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Itching Homeo-Care is a liquid homeopathic treatmentthat
includes some of the following ingredients;
Sulphur is created from the element of the same name and is also called
brimstone. The substance occurs naturally as a brittle crystalline mineral that
is found near volcanoes. This substance was used curatively for at least two
thousand years. This remedy was first proved as a homeopathic remedy by
Hahnemann. It is good for skin conditions of all sorts, itchy skin, rashes,
hives, allergies, digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation,
diarrhea, ulcer, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, arthritis, menstrual
problems, headaches, migraines, alcohol abuse, sleep disorders, especially
sleeplessness and vertigo.
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Itching 50ml Homeopathic Liquid
50ml liquid bottle
Code : 1060
Price $ 15.45
Kidney & Bladder
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
10 to 28 drops / serving
0.5ml to 1ml /serving
50ml liquid / bottle
Berberis 6c
Cantharis 6c
Equisetium purp 6c
Dulcamara 6c
Staphisagria 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a based of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content less
than 2%
Kidney & Bladder
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Kidney & Bladder Homeo-Care is a liquid homeopathic
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3 times daily.
May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses more
often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Kidney & Bladder - Homeopathic Liquid
50ml liquid bottle
Code : 1061 50ml
Price $ 15.45

Liver & Gall
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
10 to 28 drops / serving
0.5ml to 1ml /serving
50ml liquid / bottle
Card mar 6c
Chelidonium 6c
China 6c
Cholesterinum 6c
Colocynth 6c
Lycopodium 6c
Nux vom 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a based of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content less than 2%
Liver & Gall Bladder
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Homeopathic treatment that includes some of the following ingredients;
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Liver & Gall - Homeopathic Liquid
50ml liquid bottle
Code : 1062 50ml
Price $ 15.45
Male Tonic
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
10 to 28 drops / serving
0.5ml to 1ml /serving
50ml liquid / bottle
Testis 6c
Kali plc 6c
Ginseng 6c
Damiana 6c
Caladium 6c
Cortisone 6c
Agnus cast 6c
Selenium 6c
Strych phos 6c
Cantharis 6c
Curaro 6c
Conium 6c
Lycopodium 6c
Phos 6c
Mag phos 6c
Ferr phos 6c
Mang phos 6c
Zinc met 6c
Vit c 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a based of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content less than 2%
Male Tonic
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Homeopathy provides a safe, effective, natural, nontoxic
treatment for many acute and chronic illnesses. While the homeopathic medicine
may be said to be a throwback to ancient practices, it must also be considered,
in the light of modern scientific discoveries, to be the most modern form of
Homeopathic physicians treat the patients as whole beings, by respecting the
symptoms first and recognizing that there is a reason that they exist in the
first place. And then they work reactively - by giving the remedy that in a well
person would create the totality of symptoms that the patient is already
experiencing. That is the heart of the homeopathic method and practice. It is
called similarity. A safe for adults and children.
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Male Tonic - Homeopathic Liquid
50ml liquid bottle
Code : 1063 50ml
Price $ 15.45
Stop Smoking
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
10 to 28 drops / serving
0.5ml to 1ml /serving
50ml liquid / bottle
Platago tincture 10%
Avena sativa 10%
Ignatia 3c
Daphne 30c
Quercus 3x
Calendula 6c
Nux vom 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a based of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content less than 2% |
Stop Smoking
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Stop Smoking is a liquid homeopathic preparation.
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Stop Smoking - Homeopathic Liquid
50ml liquid bottle Code : 1066
Price $ 15.45
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
10 to 28 drops / serving
0.5ml to 1ml /serving
50ml liquid / bottle
Aconite 6c
Belladonna 6c
Ferrum phos 6c
China off 6c
Pyrogenium 6c
Arnica 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a based of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content less than 2% |
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Worms Homeo-Care is a liquid homeopathic treatmentthat
includes some of the following ingredients;
Acontitum Napellus (Acotnite) is created from the roots and stems of the
plant Aconitum napellus, which is also known as wolfsbane and monkshood. the
plant is native to Europe, and must be gathered in the floweing stage in order
to me made into the remedy Aconite. This remedy is good for Upper
conjunctivitis, croup, otitis media, pneumonia, tonsillitits, neuralgia,
vertigo, angina, arrhythmia and trauma.
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Worms - Homeopathic Liquid
50ml liquid bottle
Code : 1068 50ml
Price $ 15.45