Lowering Blood Pressure
High blood pressure herb for lowering blood
pressure and lower blood pressure naturally.
High blood pressure supplements on this page:
Links to other Cholesterol & High Blood Pressure Supplements;
Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally With Herbs;
Blood pressure is the pressure that the blood presses against
the walls of the arteries and blood vessels. In people that suffer
from high blood pressure this pressure is abnormally high. When
blood pressure is high the heart must work harder to pump an
adequate amount of blood to all the parts of the body.
Lifestyle choices, such as smoking, stress, obesity, excessive use
of stimulants such as coffee and tea, drug abuse, alcohol abuse,
high sodium intake and a diet high in saturated fats all contribute
to high blood pressure.
Most causes of high blood pressure are due to arterial constriction
related to an overactive nervous system. A more serious cause is
due to the hardening of the arteries which prevents dilation of the
blood vessels. Constant high blood pressure can lead to kidney disorders, heart
failure or a stroke. Symptoms associated with high blood pressure
include headaches, sweating, rapid pulse, shortness of breath,
dizziness and visual disturbances.
Lowering High Blood Pressure natural using High Blood Pressure Herbs.
For some people this can be an effective way to prevent and reduce
high blood pressure significantly. A combination of diet, herbs and
relaxation techniques is very important.
A Lowering Blood Pressure Diet!
Step1 - Diet : Control your cholesterol levels
with herbal formulas and diet changes that help
cholesterol. Reduce your intake of
saturated fats. Reduce and even eliminate your intake of salt,
sodium, processed foods, hydrogenated oils, butter, margarine,
fried foods, meat and animal fats, diet drinks, MSG, processed
foods. Increase your intake to at least 3 times a day of fresh raw
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables, fruit
and salads.
Step2 - Supplement : Use all natural herbal
supplements with ingredients that are know to help reduce or manage
blood pressure.
Step3 - Exercise : Increase mild exercise and
stretching (Yoga) to help reduce and manage stress and improve
circulation. Change the way you manage stress, do not allow things
to get you down or stressed out. Get sufficient sleep with herbal
sleep formulas and learn to relax using aromatherapy oils of
Step 4 - Other Foods: Increase your intake of
Omega 3,6 &9 unsaturated fats from cold pressed oils such as
virgin olive oil and virgin flax seed oils. Taken directly and used
as a replacement for salads and foods. Only use extra virgin cold
They will be transferred into saturated fats once heated.
The above are some of the recommended steps to help lower
blood pressure naturally.
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High blood pressure herb for lowering blood pressure and lower blood pressure

Lowering Blood Pressure Facts
Serving Size: 2 capsules / serving 600mg / serving 60 caps / bottle veg / capsules
Ingredients: Hawthorn (berries) Yarrow (aerial) Cayenne (fruit) Garlic (bulb)
Other Ingredients: Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No
sugar, yeast or wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No
animal extracts. Not tested on animals.
Customer Testimonial : About Lowering High Blood Pressure Naturally |

High Blood Pressure Herb Formula
Lower Blood Pressure Natural Remedy.
An estimated 50 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure.
Common causes of high blood pressure include high
cholesterol, smoking, stress,
obesity, stimulants such as coffee, tea or drug abuse, high sodium
intake and the use of oral contraceptives.
Some herbs are known to help improve circulation,
and in some cases help to control and reduce blood pressure levels.
Natural remedies should be used
in conjunction with a low cholesterol and sodium diet while
increasing your intake of essential fatty acids (EFA's) from
Flax Seed Oil,
Primrose Oil or
Essential Fatty Acids are naturally rich in
essential fatty acids which help maintain a healthy heart and
arteries and keep cell membranes working properly.
What Is The Difference Between Saturated and Unsaturated Fats?
You should only avoid trans fatty acids, such as those found in
deep fried foods. Fats, whether they started out good or not, are
irrevocably changed for the worse when they are heated. Essential
Fatty Acids (EFA's) are polyunsaturated; they have carbon bonds
that are easily broken and do not result in harm to the body. When
EFA's are heated their bonds change and they become trans fatty
acids: sticky and harmful fats. These saturated fats can narrow
your arteries which in turn will increase your blood pressure.
Cholesterol & Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally recommendations include;
Except for people that have an abnormal condition, diet is the
leading cause of high bad cholesterol and indirectly high blood pressure. You may think your diet is
healthy but the chances are you consume more saturated fats than
you realize. You may find you have small amounts of saturated fats
and salt in almost ever meal and don’t even realize it.
Step1: Take
an all natural supplement with herbal ingredients that are know to help lower high
blood pressure levels. May be taken in conjunction with
Step2: Reduce your intake of saturated fats.
Reduce all processed foods, salt, hydrogenated oils, butter, margarine,
fried foods, meat and animal fats. Increase your intake of steamed
and raw foods, whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables, fruit and
Step 3: Very Important : Cholesterol and
high blood pressure may be reduced by the intake
of Omega 3, 6 & 9 unsaturated fats from cold pressed oils such
as virgin olive oil, virgin flax seed oil, evening primrose or
omega oils (do not stir fry or heat these oils in any way!). These oils help increase your level of HDLs (good
cholesterol). Use a supplement like Organic
Flax Seed Oil,
Primrose Oil or
Ultimate Omega.
Customer Testimonial For Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure Herb
Capsules 60 Veg Capsules Code : 0306
Price $ 18.95
High Blood Pressure Herb Tea
20 tea bags Code : 0526
Price $ 9.95
Safety Notes: Suitable for vegetarians.
Blood Thinning Medication Warning : People who take prescription blood thinning
medication or who regularly take over – the counter painkillers should consult
with a health care provider before using. There are no known interactions with
conventional cardiac drugs, but some herbs may strengthen the effects of cardiac
glycosides (digitalis). Do not take if pregnant. Start with half dose first
week, a health care provider should help monitor blood pressure at regular
intervals. Use on a cycle of 4 weeks on then break 1week.

Blood Pressure Homeopathic
Serving Size: 10 drops / serving 50ml / bottle
Ingredients: Viscum alb 6c Crateagus 6c Rauwolfia 6c Lachesis 6c Nat mmur 6c Verat alb 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a based of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content less
than 2%

Homeopathic Blood Pressure Formula
Homeopathic formula for lowering blood pressure
Blood Pressure Homeo-Care is a liquid homeopathic treatment that includes
some of the following ingredients;
Lachesis : is taken from the poison of the surukuku snake, also called
Trigonocephalus lachesis. The snake is native to South America. The remedy was
created by homeopath Constantine Hering. This remedy has many acute
applications. It aids coagulation of the blood, varicose veins, ulcers, tumor,
to lower blood pressure and ulcers.
Natrim Muriaticum (Nat Mur) : is made from sodium chloride, or regular
table salt. Because this chemical compound is so common to our environment and
is indeed a natural part of our own bodies, the remedy taken from it is one of
most benign and curative. It is one of Hahnemann’s first remedies. Natrum Mur is
is one of the best remedies ailments that can be traced to an
overuse of salt, especially to lower blood pressure.
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3
times daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller
doses more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Blood Pressure
Homeopathic Liquid
50ml Bottle Code : 1046
Price $ 15.45
Safety Notes: Suitable for age groups. A mild formula
that will not interact with other medications. Safe for adults and
children. As an extra precaution : Do not take if pregnant. Not
suitable for vegetarians.

Circulation Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 capsules / serving 600mg / serving 60 caps / bottle veg / capsules
Ingredients: Hawthorn (berry) Ginger (root) Cayenne (fruit) Motherwort (aerial)
Other Ingredients: Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No
sugar, yeast or wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No
animal extracts. Not tested on animals. |

Improve Circulation
Circulation Herbal Formula
Many health problems are associated with poor circulation, when the
oxygenated blood carrying vital life giving properties can not circulate to all
parts of the body.
Poor circulation can be a result of clots, diminishing blood flow,
plaque and fatty deposits along the walls of arteries.
Even stress or injury can be a result in poor circulation.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, results because the blood exerts
greater pressure against narrowed or rigid blood vessels.
Hypertension can lead to more complicated health problems such as a
stroke, chest pains, kidney damage and heart attack.
Herbs that are known to help improve circulation include;
Hawthorn Berry : Known to help dilate coronary blood vessels, and
help lower blood pressure. Also decreases fatty deposit levels.
Ginger : This well known herb has a number of qualities that include
helping improve circulation, relieve digestion problems and help with
Cayenne : Aids digestion, improves circulation and has cleansing
properties on the body. Also called hot pepper and red pepper.
Motherwort : Has excellent circulation aiding properties, and has
traditionally been used to relieve child birth pain, hence the name
Motherwort. Should not be used when pregnant before on the onset of labor.
Circulation Capsules
60 veg caps Code : 0280
Price $ 15.95
Circulation Tea
20 tea bags Code : 0501 Price $ 8.95
Safety Notes: Suitable for vegetarians.
Blood Thinning Medication Warning : People who take prescription blood thinning
medication or who regularly take over – the counter painkillers should consult
with a health care provider before using. There are no known interactions with
conventional cardiac drugs, but some herbs may strengthen the effects of cardiac
glycosides (digitalis). Do not take if pregnant. Start with half dose first
week, a health care provider should help monitor blood pressure at regular
intervals. Use on a cycle of 4 weeks on then break 1week.