
Mothers Milk Breastfeeding
Mother milk tea to increase breast milk
production and increase lactation. Use this fenugreek breastfeeding herb for
breast feeding supply and breast milk production.
Increase Breast Milk & Breast Feeding Supply on this page:
Milk Aid Capsules
Milk Aid Tea
Colic & Gas Drops
Flower Essence Drops
Links to other Mother & Child Supplements;
Increase Breast Milk Production for your baby?
Many breastfeeding mothers worry about whether they're producing enough breast
milk. If you are drinking lots fluids such as galactagoguesas, these are herbs
for breast feeding, with filtered water (8 to 12 ounces per hour), resting as
much as possible, and are nursing on demand, your body will respond by making as
much breast feeding supply as
your baby needs.
How Mother's Milk Tea helps increase Breast Milk
One of the primary reasons for mothers not able to increase lactation and having enough milk is the baby isn't
at the breast for long enough each day. Nursing sessions are ended before the
baby lets go, or feeding intervals are stretched out too far between, or
something else is given to the baby to tide them over.
Or in some cases the baby is not effectively transferring milk, either because
of shallow attachment at the breast, or a sucking problem.
Use a breast pump if
the baby has a poor suck responses at first.
The poor suck leaves milk in the
breast, which compromises milk supply, resulting in a hungry disorganized baby
and no milk. With a lots of galactagogues type herbs for breast feeding like
mother milk teas and a good pumping routine, there should be enough of an
increase breast milk to work with while working to help the
baby feed better.
Sage should not be used when breastfeeding because it dries up breast milk. It
is useful for reducing lactation when a women initially stops breast feeding.
About Baby Formulas:
Formulas initially were based on cow milk composition, but have evolved somewhat
to reflect mother milk composition. This is still an area of concern. Infant
formulas generally are made from cow milk or soybean ingredients. The casein :
whey protein ratio for cow milk is ~80 : 20 compared to human milk with a 40 :60
ratio. mother milk does not establish as hard a curd in the stomach of the
infant as cow milk casein will.
The presence of ß-lactoglobulin (not present in
human milk) or soy proteins in formulas can lead to a dietary protein allergy.
Cow milk has lower lactose than mother milk. Lactose may be particularly
important as a glucose (energy) source for the rapidly developing brain of the
human infant.
When Its Time To Stop Breast Feeding: Once a mother's milk supply is
established, stopping abruptly causes certain physical changes. A mother's
breasts will continue to produce milk for a while, and if some isn’t removed,
the mother may become engorged, and possibly develop mastitis. It is also
possible to experience a sudden drop in prolaction levels, which may add to a
mothers feelings of depression.
Money Back Guarantee We are so confident that you will be satisfied, that we offer a 60 day Money Back Guarantee with a 2 product limit.
Mother milk tea to increase breast milk production and increase lactation. Use
this fenugreek breastfeeding herb for breast feeding supply and breast milk
production. |
Milk Aid
Supplement Facts
Serving Size:
2 capsules / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
veg / capsules
Aniseed (seed) Fenugreek (seed)
Fennel (seed)
Caraway (seed)
Other Ingredients:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar, yeast or
wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on
animals. Do not take if pregnant.
Milk Aid Formula
Increase Breast Milk Production with Herbs for Breast Feeding.
Milk Aid is a proprietary formula with herbs for breast
feeding and promotes healthy lactation by combining
herbs used by Europeans increase
lactation in nursing mothers.
Milk Aid is based on a combination of herbs traditionally
known as galactagogues (herb for breastfeeding).
Milk Aid is a good tasting mother milk tea and herbal blend formulated to help nursing mothers.
Available in capsules and tea.
Provides a safe and natural way to remain hydrated while nursing. As mother's need for liquids increases, this nourishing herbal tea may be enjoyed often hot or cold.
Herbs have traditionally been used for centuries by women to increase
breast milk production.
Galactagogues are the type of herbs for breast feeding that help promote healthy lactation
and increasing the production of breast milk. Includes fenugreek breast feeding
herbs in both formulas.
They also improve digestion, which is beneficial to both mother and baby.
Herbs For Mother's Milk Supply;
Aniseed : Aids digestion and promotes mother's milk production for nursing
Caraway : This herb has galacagogue properties. Used to aid mother's milk
production and helps digestion disorders.
Fenugreek : The most common galacagogue.
Fenugreek breast feeding herbs are best taken in capsule form, 2
capsules three times a day. Herbal tea is also effective, drink one cup three
times daily. NB : Fenugreek is considered a uterine stimulant, so do not use
this herb if you are pregnant.
Available in Capsules and Tea. May be used together for easy use while
at home or out and about. (capsules can be taken quickly with lots of filtered
Milk Aid will be more efficient when combined with increased nursing and
pumping. Read the Recommendations listed on the right, for more information.
Milk Aid Capsules 60 veg caps
Code : 0331
Price $ 15.95
2 boxes for the price of 1 sale Milk Aid Tea 20 tea bags Code : 0552 Price $ 8.95
(sold in pairs)
(Your sale cost for 16 bags is $ 3.58)
Safety Notes: Do not take if pregnant. Fenugreek is
considered a uterine stimulant, so do not use this herb if you are pregnant. Suitable for vegetarians.

Colic & Gas Homeo
Supplement Facts
Serving Size:
10 drops / serving
50ml liquid / bottle
Homeopathic Remedy
Ingredients: Chamomilla 6c Colocynthis 6c
Alumina 6c
Bryonia 6c
Lachesis 6c
Lycopodium 6c
Merc cor 6c
Nux vom 6c
Plumbum acet 6c
Sulphur 6c
Other Ingredients:
In a base of alcohol. Once diluted with water alcohol content very than 2%.
Colic & Gas Homeopathic Liquid
Homeopathic Colic & Gas Formula
Homeopathic formulas are very mild and are suitable for children. May be
taken in smaller doses for infants in filtered water.
Homeopathic physicians treat the patients as whole beings, by respecting the
symptoms first and recognizing that there is a reason that they exist in the
first place.
Homeopathy provides a safe, effective, natural, nontoxic treatment for many acute and chronic illnesses.
While the homeopathic medicine may be said to be a throwback to ancient practices, it must also be considered, in the light of modern scientific
discoveries, to be the most modern form of medicine.
The heart of the homeopathic method and practice. It is called similarity. Read more about
homeopathic remedies.
Safe for adults and children. Does not interact with medications
Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3
times daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller
doses more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children.
Colic & Gas may be used on its own or in combination with other
Colic & Gas Bladder
Homeopathic Liquid 50ml Liquid Code : 1049 Price $ 15.45
Safety Notes: As an extra precaution : Do not take if pregnant. Suitable for vegetarians.

Emergency Flower Essence Formula Facts;
28 drops / serving 50 servings / bottle
Flower Essence Blend: Cherry Plum Clematis Rock Rose Impatiens Star of Bethlehem
Other Ingredients: Filtered Water, Small quantity of brandy alcohol. Once diluted with water less than
1%. Safe for pets and children. Not suitable for ex-alcoholics.
mother milk tea increase breast milk increase breast milk
production increase lactation fenugreek breastfeeding herb for breastfeeding
breast feeding supply breast milk production breast feeding breast milk mother
milk fenugreek breastfeeding herb for breastfeeding breastfeeding supply
Emergency Flower Essence Formula
Natural, gentle formula for emotional distress, stress and emotional upsets. Suitable for children. No side effects.
Flower essence is one of nature's own natural emotion remedies.
Ideal for children, adults and pets with emotional
Taken orally Flower essences work at the “energy anatomy” level of the body in a similar way to acupuncture.
The benefits of working in this way include the fact that there are no “side effects”, or “contra indications”, they can be mixed with any other form of
medication with no risk.
Another benefit of working at the energy anatomy level is that flower essences are subtle yet at the same time powerful. They do not “hit you over the head”.
May be used for emotional distress. Try on young children before considering any chemical drugs with potential side effects.
Since the time of Dr Edward Bach hundreds, even thousands of sets of flower
essences have been made all over the world. Each country has a unique energy, and the plants that grow in each country have
a contribution to make to world healing.
In order to help people heal the effects of living in stressful times, the plant
kingdom has brought new healing formulas for us to use.
Emergency Flower Essence Blend 50ml bottle : 1201 Sale Price $ 18.95
Safety Notes : Safe for adults, children and pets. Contains 2% brandy once diluted.