
Insomnia & Sleep Herbs
Natural herbal sleep aids for insomnia
treatment, sleep problems and sleep disorders.
Sleep aid products on this page:
Sleep Aid Herbal Formula
Mood Aid Herbal Formula
Emergency Flower Essence
Alert! Herbal Formula
Links to other health sleep & mood supplements;
Natural sleep formula for a sleep disorder ;
The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep without waking
up in the middle of the night for extended periods of time is know as insomnia.
Failure to get an entire night sleep over a period of a month would be
classified as chronic insomnia.
While insomnia is very annoying it is not considered dangerous though in some
cases tiredness may lead to accidents.
Every persons sleep requirements are different some require 8 hours and more
while others can function on as little as 5 hours of sleep. Most adults require
about 8 hours of sleep to feel refreshed and operate and peak performance during
the day. Children require more sleep and some older people require less.
Insomnia can result from a wide variety of causes, including stress, anxiety,
nervousness, bladder problems, pain, arthritis, asthma, breathing problems,
hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, indigestion, kidney problems, liver disorders,
caffeine consumption, diet, side effects of drugs including many
antidepressants, chemical appetite suppressants, beta blockers in medication for
high blood pressure and lack of exercise and a lack of nutrients.
Restless leg syndrome may also result in insomnia, when in bed the legs
tend to jerk and twitch. This condition is thought to a condition of a lack of
exercise and/or a lack of magnesium.
Sleep apnea this condition is commonly associated with snoring and
irregular breathing while sleeping. In sleep apnea, breathing actually stops for
as long as two minutes at a time while the individual is asleep. When breathing
stop the level of oxygen in the blood drops, resulting in oxygen deprivation.
The individual then awakens gasping for breath. A person with sleep anemia may
awaken as many as couple of hundred times a night. People with sleep apnea tend
to high blood pressure and tend to prone to emotional stress. This condition can
be very dangerous with the risk that the individual may not wake up to start
For the most part sleep problems are associated with an underlying health or
emotional problem. So it is important to treat the body as a whole physically
and emotionally in addition to using herbs that help relax the body and mind.
Natural Sleep Remedy Recommendation Include:
1. Do not drink coffee even in the morning. Coffee
has a "half life" of 24 hours and may keep you up that night. Avoid alcohol,
tobacco (nicotine is a neurostimulant and can cause sleep problems).
2. Eat fresh raw fruits and vegetables with whole grains. Avoid rich
heavy meals before bedtime such as saturated fats, fried foods, sugar, red meat
and meat/starch combinations.
3. Exercise regularly in the late afternoon or early evening a few hours
before bed time. A tired body will tend to be sleepy. Try and get into a regular
sleep pattern. Waking up and going to bed at the same time each day.
4. Stress control and stress management are important. Learn to forget
your worries for the night. Nothing can be done while you sleep.
5. Use a natural sleep remedy made from mild, non addictive herbs. If
problems persist, consult your health practitioner and be aware that there may
be other underlying health problems, stress, diet or lack of exercise.
Money Back Guarantee We are so confident that you will be satisfied, that we offer a 60 day Money Back Guarantee with a 2 product limit.
Natural herbal sleep aids for insomnia treatment, sleep problems and sleep
disorders. |

Sleep Aid Supplement Facts
Serving Size:
2 capsules / serving
600mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
veg / capsules
Valerian (root)
Chamomile (flower)
Passionflower (aerial)
Vervain (aerial)
Other Ingredients:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar, yeast or
wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on
Sleep Aid Herbal Formula
Made from all natural herbs supplied in a vegetarian capsule.
Insomnia can result from a wide variety of reasons including muscle aches,
indigestion, breathing problems, pain, depression and even side effects of
medication. Sleep Aid is suitable for short term sleep problems only. A natural sleep remedy uses nervine herbs that promote
relaxation, a clam mid and support the nervous system without any narcotic or
addictive properties.
There is nothing wrong with using herbs as a natural sleep remedy. But If you
require to take herbs as a natural sleep remedy (which are mild with no side
effects) for extended periods of time of a couple of months and more, just to
fall asleep and/or function. Then you should be aware that there is probably a
more serious underlying health problem that needs to be addressed.
Natural sleep remedy herbs :
Valerian : Valerian is a relaxant herb that has a calming effect on the nervous
system. For insomnia it helps induce sleep quickly, decreasing the amount of
time taken to fall asleep. Valerian like some drugs modulates GABA receptors
which are present in 40 of the brains cells. Over activity is thought o cause
nervousness and insomnia. But valerian acts in a milder manner with no side
effects, grogginess or addiction.
Chamomile *: Chamomile is known as a mild herb but can be surprisingly
effective. It promote sleep with tranquilizing action similar to some drugs.
Chamomile also helps reduce stress related chemicals in the brain and promotes
adrenal health. *Note : best not used for extended periods without a break.
Avoid it if you are allergic to ragweed.
Passionflower : Works with the body to create to balance for exhaustion,
overwork, anxiety, stress, drugs, alcohol, asthma, cough and pain related
insomnia. Acts as a mild MAO inhibitor without the hangover or sedative
Sleep Aid is a proprietary natural herbal formula in a vegetarian capsule or
unbleached tea bags. Ingredients include well known sleep herbs.

Sleep Aid Capsules 60 Veg Caps Code : 0334
Price $ 15.95
Sleep Aid Tea 20 Tea Bags Code : 0555
Price $ 8.95
Safety Notes: Suitable for vegetarians. Ragweed &
Autoimmune Safety : Should be used with caution by people who are allergic to
ragweed or to plants in the sunflower family. Should not be taken for prolonged
periods by people with autoimmune disorder. Do not take during Pregnancy or
lactation. Start with half dose first week. Use on a cycle of 4 weeks on then
break for 1 week. |

Mood Aid
Supplement Facts
Serving Size:
2 capsules / serving
600mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
veg / capsules
St Johns Wort (aerial)
Kava Kava (root)
Skullcap (aerial
Other Ingredients:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar, yeast or
wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on

Mood Aid Herbal Formula
Work with the body in a gentle holistic approach.
Some researches believe that "depression" can be
caught. The research notes that if one person in a group or partner is
depressed, then the other will be effected. So start with a good attitude and
try an all natural herbal supplement to help.
Some herbs have tranquilizing and mood elevating effects, like prescription drugs.
However herbs are much milder and work with the body in a gentle holistic approach, without the deadening of emotions.
Herbs can also help address many of the underlying causes of depression.
Herbs that act as mood elevators: Some herbs have tranquilizing and mood elevating effects, like prescription
drugs. However herbs are much milder and work with the body in a gentle holistic
approach, without the deadening of emotions.
Herbs can also help address many of the underlying causes of depression. Herbs
with Nervine properties can act as a tonic for the nervous system. Other herbs
help improve blood supply to the brain or act as adaptogens helping to balance
the immune system.
St Johns Wort : St Johns Wort helps to inhibit the enzyme monoamine
oxidase (MAO), just as prescription drugs do, but it dose it more slowly and
mildly. It also helps modulate and balance the brain chemicals serotonin and
norepinephrine, much the same way as medication dose, except once again in a
much milder manner. It may also increase endorphin levels and help to improve
mood and decreases sadness, hopelessness and exhaustion. Although hypercicin was
identified as the active ingredient in St John Wort, it is no longer believed
that hypericin works alone. As is the case with most herbs, a complex interplay
of many compounds is believed to be responsible for the beneficial effects. For
this reason avoid Standardized Herbs, and use the whole herb.
Skullcap : Tones and nourishes the nervous system. Used with serious
mental exhaustion, depression and prolonged sickness. Also aids in calming
tension and stress. Also helps improve sleep patterns.
Mood Aid Herb Capsules
60 Veg Capsules Code : 0330
Price $ 15.95
Mood Aid Herb Tea
20 Unbleached Tea Bags Code : 0551
Price $ 8.95
Safety Notes: Do not take if pregnant. Do not take
more than 6 capsules per day. Use 3 weeks on 1 week off. Suitable for
vegetarians. Do not use if taking prescription anti-depressants or any other
medication that interacts with MAO inhibitors. Avoid during pregnancy or
lactation. For HIV/AIDS patients, do not take while using Indinavir.

Emergency Flower Essence Formula Facts;
28 drops / serving 50 servings / bottle
Flower Essence Blend: Cherry Plum Clematis Rock Rose Impatiens Star of Bethlehem
Other Ingredients: Filtered Water and small quantity of brandy alcohol. Once diluted with water less than
1%. Safe for pets and children. Not suitable for ex-alcoholics.
Emergency Flower Essence Formula
Natural, gentle formula for emotional distress, stress, shock, and emotional
emergencies. No side effects.
Flower essence is one of nature's own natural emotion remedies. Ideal for
children, adults and pets. Taken orally Flower essences work at the “energy anatomy” level of the body in a similar way
to acupuncture.
The benefits of working in this way include the fact that there are no “side
effects”, or “contra indications”, they can be mixed with any other form of
medication with no risk.
Another benefit of working at the energy anatomy level is that flower essences
are subtle yet at the same time powerful. They do not “hit you over the head”.
Since the time of Dr Edward Bach hundreds, even thousands of sets of flower
essences have been made all over the world.
Each country has a unique energy, and the plants that grow in each country have
a contribution to make to world healing.
In order to help people heal the effects of living in stressful times, the plant
kingdom has brought new healing formulas for us to use.
Emergency Flower Essence Blend 50ml bottle : 1201 Sale Price $ 18.95
Safety Notes : Safe for adults, children and pets. Contains 2% brandy once diluted. |

Alert! Supplement Facts
Serving Size:
2 capsules / serving
600mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
veg / capsules
Gingko Bilobo (aerial)
Ginger (root)
Siberian Ginseng
Hawthorn (berries)
Other Ingredients:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar, yeast or
wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on
Alert! Herbal Formula
Made from all natural herbs supplied in a vegetarian capsule.
The function of the brain depends upon neurotransmitters. These brain
transmitters act as switches in the brain.
If the brain does not have enough neurotransmitters or the nutrients
from which to make them, you could begin to have memory loss.
The brain makes neurotransmitters from the nutrients supplied by the
Aler! Capsules
60 Veg Caps Code : 0301
Price $ 15.95
Alert! Tea Bags
20 Tea Bags Code : 0521
Price $ 8.95
Safety : Suitable for vegetarians.
Blood Thinning Medication Warning
People who take prescription blood thinning medication or who regularly take
over – the counter painkillers should consult with a health care provider before
using. There are no known interactions with conventional cardiac drugs, but some
herbs may strengthen the effects of cardiac glycosides (digitalis). Do not take
if pregnant. Start with half dose first week, a health care provider should help
monitor blood pressure at regular intervals. Use on a cycle of 4 weeks on then
break 1week. |