Natural Supplements
Natural supplements with garlic & parsley, brewers yeast and flax seed.

Your Satisfaction Guaranteed : |
Service : priority mail 2 to 3 days for USA customers. |
Purity : 100% natural, no fillers, preservatives or additives. |
Quality : whole food, organic or wild crafted used when possible. |
Vegetarian : capsules and ingredients suitable. |
Value : great value for the price you pay. |

Other Vitamin Supplements;

Super Green Foods
With a super green food supplement: Super greens is packed with over 30
different vitamin, mineral and enzyme rich super green foods.

Alkalize Your
An alkaline body, bacteria and viruses will perish in this alkaline environment
allowing the body to resist disease.

Soy Lecithin
Beaks down fat deposits in the body, making it valuable for weight loss & heart disease.

Bee Pollen Tablets
Contains a high nutrient content, including essential amino acids, vitamin A, vitamin C and more.

Organic Flax Seed Oil
Some fatty acids are "essential" because we need them to live, yet we cannot manufacture our own.

Cholesterol Control
Cholesterol lowering herbs may help change the ration of of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
Whole Foods are Rich in Vitamins, Minerals and Enzymes.
Vitamins made from whole food Vitamins and minerals are
essential to life. They contribute to good health by regulating the
metabolism and assisting the bio-chemical processes that release
energy from digested food. Vitamins are considered micro nutrients
because the body needs them in relatively small amounts compared
with nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water.
Ideally, all of us would get all the nutrition
vitamins we need
for optimal health from fresh, healthful foods. In reality,
however, this is often difficult, if not impossible. In our
chemically polluted and stress-filled world, our nutritional
requirements have been increasing, but the number of calories we
require has been decreasing, as our general level of physical
activity has declined.
This means we are faced with needing to get more nutrients from
less food. At the same time, many of our foods are depleted of
certain nutrients, modern farming practices have resulted in soils
that are lacking in basic nutrients.
Harvesting and shipping practices are dictated not by nutritional
considerations but by marketing demand. Add to these extensive
processing, improper storage, and other factors, and it is little
wonder that many of the foods that reach our tables are missing
essential nutrients and cannot meet our nutritional supplements
needs. This means that for optimum health it is important to eat
foods that contain vital naturally occurring
minerals and enzymes.
Money Back Guarantee We are so
confident that you will be satisfied, that we offer a 60 day Money Back
Guarantee with a 2 product limit .
Natural supplements with garlic & parsley, brewers yeast and flax seed. |
Alfalfa Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 caps / serving 500mg / serving
60 veg caps / bottle
Ingredients Alfalfa (aerial) Alfalfa (seed)
Other Ingredients:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar, yeast or
wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on animals.

Alfalfa Supplement
Excellent Source of Trace Minerals.
Alfalfa leaf and seed combination: Alfalfa is known as the father of all foods. Rich in calcium, protein, iron, B-complexes, copper, zinc and and excellent
source of trace minerals. Also very rich in metabolic
enzymes and fiber.
Alfalfa has been used by the Chinese: since the 6th century to treat kidney
stones, relieve fluid retention and swelling.
Phytovitamins Alfalfa Supplements: probably the
purest all natural whole food supplement you and your family will ever use. May
be taken alone or in combination with
super greens,
sea greens
or wheat grass
Alfalfa Supplement
60 Veg Capsules Code: 1100 Price $ 7.95
Safety Notes: Do not take if pregnant. Suitable for vegetarians.
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Brewers Yeast Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 caps / serving 500mg / serving
60 veg caps / bottle
Brewers Yeast
Other Ingredients: Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar or wheat.
This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on animals.
Brewers Yeast Supplement
Naturally Rich in B Vitamins.
Brewer's Yeast: has been a staple of the health food industry since its
inception. Rich in the B-complex vitamins and other nutrients that were not available
as purified nutrients. Brewer's yeast may still contain nutrients that we have yet to discover. According to some, a little brewers yeast is vital in every nutritional
program. PhytoVitamins Brewer's Yeast: is probably the purest all natural whole food supplement you and your family will ever use. Vegetarian capsule and formula. Additive free & chemical free.
May be taken alone or in combination with
super greens,
vitamin b or
cod liver oil.
Brewers Yeast Supplement 60 Veg Capsules Code : 1101
Price $ 7.95
Safety Notes: Do not take if pregnant. Natural
supplements suitable for vegetarians.
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Flax Seed Supplement Facts
Serving Size: caps / serving 500mg / serving
60 veg caps / bottle
Flax (seed)
Other Ingredients::
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar or wheat.
This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on animals.

Flax Seed Supplement
Contains Essential Fatty Acids, Fiber, Protein and Mucilage.
Flax seed is one third oil: and the rest is made up of fiber, protein and
mucilage. Flax seed contains the three Essential Fatty Acids in just the right
proportions. Flax seed oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids: it contains alpha linolenic acid, omega 3
essential fatty acids, and omega 6 essential fatty acid.
Flax seeds are also a great source of lignans, vitamins, and minerals.
Essential fatty acids are extremely important: required for the function and structure of the brain,
natural cholesterol lowering, skin, memory, mood
balance and concentration. The cells of the body need the omega 3 fatty acids from which they build
their cell membranes, which protect them.
PhytoVitamins Flax Seed Supplement: is probably the purest all natural whole food supplement you and your family will ever use.Vegetarian capsule and formula. Additive free & chemical free.
May be taken alone or in combination with
super greens, or
organic flax seed oil.
Flax Seed Supplement
90 Veg Capsules Code: 1102 Price $ 7.95
Safety Notes: Do not take if
pregnant. Natural supplements suitable for
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Garlic Supplement Facts
Serving Size: caps / serving 500mg / serving
60 veg caps / bottle
Garlic (bulb)
Other Ingredients:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar or wheat.
This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on animals.

Garlic Supplement
Known to Help Lower Cholesterol Levels and Help Reduce Colds & Flu.
Allicin is naturally found in fresh garlic: in small amounts, but enzymes
in the garlic produce larger amounts once the garlic is cut or crushed and exposed to water, such as in the gut. Use of garlic can help prevent hardening of the arteries.
A garlic supplement may
reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL (bad) for short periods. Known to build the immune system and help prevent colds & Flu. Preliminary evidence has shown garlic as a food may help prevent cancer.
PhytoVitamins garlic supplement: is probably the purest all natural whole food supplement you and your family will ever use.
No synthetic isolates are added. Additive free & chemical free. May be taken
alone or in combination with
super greens
high allicin garlic.
Whole Garlic Supplement 60 Veg Capsules Code: 1103
Price $ 7.95
Safety Notes:s: There are more than 200
chemicals in garlic and some may interfere with other medications. Do not take if pregnant.
Natural supplements suitable for vegetarians.
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Garlic & Parsely Supplement Facts
Serving Size:e: caps / serving 500mg / serving
60 veg caps / bottle
Parsley (aerial)
Garlic (bulb)
Other Ingredients:s: Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar or wheat.
This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on animals.
Garlic & Parsley Supplement
This combination with Parsley helps control garlic odor.
Use of a garlic supplement may help: prevent hardening of the arteries. May
also reduce in total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL (bad)
cholesterol for short periods. Used to build the immune system and help prevent colds & Flu.
Garlic and parsley combination: helps reduce garlic after breath odor.
PhytoVitamins garlic and parsley supplement: is probably the purest all natural whole food supplement you and your family will ever use.
No synthetic isolates are added. Additive free & chemical free. May be taken
alone or in combination with
super greens
high allicin garlic.
Whole Garlic & Parsley Supplement 60 Veg Capsules Code:
1104 Price $ 7.95
Safety Notes: There are more than 200
chemicals in garlic and some may interfere with other medications. Do not take if pregnant.
Natural supplements suitable for vegetarians.
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Mustard Seed Supplement Facts
Serving Size:e: caps / serving 500mg / serving
60 veg caps / bottle
Mustard (seed)
Other Ingredients:s:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar or wheat.
This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on animals.
Natural supplements with garlic & parsley, brewers yeast and flax
Mustard Seed Supplement
Known for antioxidant properties.
Mustard seed : has a stimulating, diaphoretic
action that can be used for fevers, colds, and influenza. When taken internally,
the seeds are laxative, mainly because of the mucilage they produce, but only
small doses are advised as they may inflame the stomach.
Mustard seed supplement: is probably the purest all natural whole food
supplement you and your family will ever use.
No synthetic isolates are added. Additive free & chemical free. May be taken
alone or in combination with
super greens,
sea greens
or wheat grass
Mustard Seed Supplement 60 0 Veg Capsules Code: 0444
Price $ 7.95
Safety Notes: Do not take if pregnant. Natural
supplements suitable for vegetarians.
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