
Natural Stress Relief Herbs
Natural stress relief herbs for stress
relief product using a herbal remedy and vitamin stress relief supplement.
Stress Relief type products on this page:
Stress Relief Formula
Mood Aid Herbal Formula
Flower Essence Formula
Sleep Aid Herbal Formula
Links to other health supplements;
Natural stress relief using herb;
The natural response to a emergency or situation that
requires a quick action is known as the "fight-or-flight" response. This is when
the body pumps adrenalin into our bodies to give us increased strength and speed
to be able to react to the emergency.
This "fight-or-flight" response worked well 100's of years ago, but in our
modern world of constant stress, many of us live in a state of low grade
emergency pumping out adrenal hormone that is supposed to be used in spurts.
Indeed stress is an unavoidable part of life.
It can results from many things, both physical and
psychological, pressure and deadlines at work, problems with loved ones, falling
behind with the bills, noise, traffic, pain, weather, children, lack of sleep,
the list is endless.
Stress effects us all differently, some people handle stress well with little or
no impact on their emotional or physical health. While others are very
negatively influenced by it, suffering both physical and psychological side
A state of constant stress sets in motion a set of bodily responses that can
lead to a number of serious health problems including colds, cancer, stress
increased risk of a heart attack, anxiety, psychological disorders, depression,
immune system suppression, digestion problems, elevated
blood pressure, higher
cholesterol levels, fatigue, asthma and similar stress related diseases.
Natural stress relief management;
Stress has physical and emotional effects on us and can
create positive or negative feelings.
As a positive influence, stress can help us to action. As a negative influence,
it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which
in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes,
insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. With the death
of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion, or a new relationship, we
experience stress as we readjust our lives.
Stress will help or hinder us depending on how we react to it and learn to
manage stress. Use a herbal supplement and effective stress reduction techniques
for a holistic way to manage stress.
Money Back Guarantee We are so confident that you will be satisfied, that we offer a 60 day Money Back Guarantee with a 2 product limit.
Natural stress relief herbs for stress
relief product using a herbal remedy and vitamin stress relief supplement. |

Stress Relief
Supplement Facts
Serving Size:
2 capsules / serving
500mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
veg / capsules
Proprietary Formula :
Valerian (root)
Hops (aerial)
Chamomile (flowers)
Lavender (flowers)
Passion Flower (aerial)
Catnip (aerial)
Jamaican Dogwood (root)
Lyme Flowers (flowers)
Skullcap (aerial)
Other Ingredients:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar, yeast or
wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on
Liquid Herb / Tincture is supplied in an alcohol base. A
great way to give pets herbal remedies.

Stress Relief Formula
A state of long term stress is dangerous as it will eventually wear out the
Anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
pos-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative disorders and phobic
disorders are among the more serious emotional manifestations that can result
from constant stress. They are often a result of an event hat the individual
could not deal with at the time.
A state of long term stress is dangerous as it will eventually wear out the
body, as a result of stress and its effects on the immune system and glandular
Herbal stress relief supplements : A holistic approach to stress is
A positive attitude.
Regular exercise
Short relaxing breaks
Herbs for stress work together with the above.
Some herbs known to help with stress relief by supporting the adrenal glands,
brain and metabolism to over come the accumulation of biological stress. Most
herb should be taken for a number of months for optimal resistance-building
Valerian : Valerian keeps the nervous system from being overwhelmed.
Helps to aid sleep a common side effect of increased stress.
Hops :
Helps to ease nervousness, restlessness and stress. Also decreases
the desire for alcohol.
Chamomile : Chamomile is a gentle
relaxant and a good nerve tonic aiding herbal stress relief.
Catnip : Catnip is an effective herbal remedy for stress that calms and reduces
Stress Relief : All natural Stress Relief is a proprietary formula of
selected whole herbs for stress relief. Supplied in vegetarian capsules or
unbleached tea bags.

Stress Relief may be taken alone or in conjunction with
Flower Essence Formula.
Stress Relief Capsules
60 Veg Caps Code: 0293
Price $ 15.95
Stress Relief Tincture (herbal liquid)
50ml herbal liquid Code : 0083
Price $ 15.45
Stress Relief Tea
20 Tea Bags Code : 0514
Price $ 8.95
Safety Notes: Suitable for vegetarians. Ragweed & Autoimmune Safety :
Should be used with caution by people who are allergic to ragweed or to plants
in the sunflower family. Should not be taken for prolonged periods by people
with autoimmune disorder. Do not take during Pregnancy or lactation. Start with
half dose first week. Use on a cycle of 4 weeks on then break for 1 week. |

Mood Aiddd
Supplement Facts
Serving Size:
2 capsules / serving
600mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
veg / capsules
St Johns Wort (aerial)
Kava Kava (root)
Skullcap (aerial
Licorice (aerial)
Other Ingredients:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar, yeast or
wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on

Mood Aid Herbal Formula
Work with the body in a gentle holistic approach.
Some researches believe that "depression" can be
caught. The research notes that if one person in a group or partner is
depressed, then the other will be effected. So start with a good attitude and
try an all natural herbal supplement to help.
Herbs have tranquilizing and mood elevating effects.
Herbs are much milder and work with the body.
Herbs help treat underlying causes of depression.
Herbs that act as mood elevators: Some herbs have tranquilizing and mood elevating effects, like prescription
drugs. However herbs are much milder and work with the body in a gentle holistic
approach, without the deadening of emotions.
Herbs can also help address many of the underlying causes of depression. Herbs
with Nervine properties can act as a tonic for the nervous system. Other herbs
help improve blood supply to the brain or act as adaptogens helping to balance
the immune system.
St Johns Wort : St Johns Wort helps to inhibit the enzyme monoamine
oxidase (MAO), just as prescription drugs do, but it dose it more slowly and
mildly. It also helps modulate and balance the brain chemicals serotonin and
norepinephrine, much the same way as medication dose, except once again in a
much milder manner. It may also increase endorphin levels and help to improve
mood and decreases sadness, hopelessness and exhaustion.
Skullcap : Tones and nourishes the nervous system. Used with serious
mental exhaustion, depression and prolonged sickness. Also aids in calming
tension and stress. Also helps improve sleep patterns.
Mood Aid Herb Capsules
60 Veg Capsules Code : 0330
Price $ 15.95
Mood Aid Herb Tea
20 Unbleached Tea Bags Code : 0551
Price $ 8.95
Safety Notes: Do not take if pregnant. Do not take
more than 6 capsules per day. Use 3 weeks on 1 week off. Suitable for
vegetarians. Do not use if taking prescription anti-depressants or any other
medication that interacts with MAO inhibitors. Avoid during pregnancy or
lactation. For HIV/AIDS patients, do not take while using Indinavir.

Emergency Flower Essence Formula Facts;
28 drops / serving 50 servings / bottle
Flower Essence Blend: Cherry Plum Clematis Rock Rose Impatiens Star of Bethlehem
Other Ingredients: Filtered Water and small quantity of brandy alcohol. Once diluted with water less than
1%. Safe for pets and children. Not suitable for ex-alcoholics.
Emergency Flower Essence Formula
Natural, gentle formula for emotional distress, stress, shock, and emotional
emergencies. No side effects.
Flower essence is one of nature's own natural emotion remedies. Ideal for
children, adults and pets. Taken orally Flower essences work at the “energy anatomy” level of the body in a similar way
to acupuncture.
The benefits of working in this way include the fact that there are no “side
effects”, or “contra indications”, they can be mixed with any other form of
medication with no risk.
Another benefit of working at the energy anatomy level is that flower essences
are subtle yet at the same time powerful. They do not “hit you over the head”.
Since the time of Dr Edward Bach hundreds, even thousands of sets of flower
essences have been made all over the world.
Each country has a unique energy, and the plants that grow in each country have
a contribution to make to world healing.
In order to help people heal the effects of living in stressful times, the plant
kingdom has brought new healing formulas for us to use.
Emergency Flower Essence Blend 50ml bottle : 1201 Sale Price $ 18.95
Safety Notes : Safe for adults, children and pets. Contains 2% brandy once diluted. |

Sleep Aid Supplement Facts
Serving Size:
2 capsules / serving
600mg / serving
60 caps / bottle
veg / capsules
Valerian (root)
Chamomile (flower)
Passionflower (aerial)
Vervain (aerial)
Other Ingredients:
Free from preservatives, colorants & artificial additives. No sugar, yeast or
wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not tested on
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stress herb and stress
Sleep Aid Herbal Formula
Made from all natural herbs supplied in a vegetarian capsule.
Insomnia can result from a wide variety of reasons including muscle aches,
indigestion, breathing problems, pain, depression and even side effects of
Sleep Aid is suitable for short term sleep problems only.
Made from
all natural herbs supplied in a vegetarian capsule or unbleached tea bags.
Sleep Aid Capsules 60 Veg Caps Code : 0334
Price $ 15.95
Sleep Aid Tea
20 Tea Bags Code : 0555
Price $ 8.95
Safety : Suitable for vegetarians. Ragweed &
Autoimmune Safety : Should be used with caution by people who are allergic to
ragweed or to plants in the sunflower family. Should not be taken for prolonged
periods by people with autoimmune disorder. Do not take during Pregnancy or
lactation. Start with half dose first week. Use on a cycle of 4 weeks on then
break for 1 week. |