Customer Testimonials, Comments & Feed Back:
Comments : Thank you for your service
Feed Back : Whole Food Vitamins
Feed Back : Whole Food Calcium
Feed Back : Cold & Flu Fighter
Feed Back : Lowering Blood Pressure
Feed Back : Milk Aid Formula
Feed Back : Uni-Tract Formula
Feed Back : Facial Night Cream
Feed Back : Hand & Body Lotion
Feed Back : Natural Lip Balm
Feed Back : Essential Oils
Note :
Natures Brands only uses actual comments and letters sent by customers. Very few
customers take the time to write. We get many testimonials by phone, these have
not been included on this site. Natures Brands does not pay for
or solicited testimonials or feed back from customers.
Comments : Thank you for your service
From : Agnes Shin - USA
Thank you very much for your assistance, I will await the slimming II
product. Your service is very good and I will not hesitate to recommend you to
my friends. Again thank you for your help in this matter.
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Feed Back : Whole Food Vitamins & Minerals
Margaret Colter - MI
"One of my favorite products is the
Phytovitamin Multi
Vitamin. It is completely
natural vitamins from real food not synthetic. These capsules are all food and
naturally nutritious, fresh and raw, just what my body needs".
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Feed Back : Whole Food Calcium Supplement
Margaret Colter - MI
"One of my favorite products is the
PhytoVitamins Calcium. It is also
completely natural calcium from real food not synthetic. I have never seen a
calcium capsule like this, it's not a chalky powder or tablet made from rocks or
shells, but from whole food in a clear capsule. I know my body can absorb this
calcium and use it."
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Feed Back : Cold & Flu Fighter
Cecilia Chiusiwary - South Africa
"I bought a Herbal Medi Care
Cold and Flu Fighter & Immune Builder (that
helps the body resist colds and flu) 50ml (1.68Floz) tonic two months ago in one
of the Pharmacies.
I used to be a flu victim and I hated to take antibiotics every time I caught
flu. But when I discovered this tonic it worked like wonders! I used the tonic
for almost 3 weeks and got finished. Since then I have not caught flu again.
People in South Africa had an early flu infection that went around in March, I
never got that one.
Unfortunately, when I went back to the pharmacy I was told they do not have in
stock would order from your organization, they took details from the bottle that
I still hold. I went to almost all pharmacies searching for this tonic but none
has in stock.
Please, please I hate flu and antibiotics every time I visit the doctor, can you
supply more of these to Pharmacies?
We need this type of herbal remedies on the shelves in pharmacies in order to
reduce the intake of antibiotics which sometimes have horrible side effects.
Pleaseeeeee send the flu herbal remedies and immune system boosters to us!
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Feed Back : Blood Pressure High (Lowering) Caps
Mrs. Penelope Anderson - Bryanston
"I am quite excited about your Blood Pressure High Capsules and decided to
write to let you know how well they worked for me to
lower blood
pressure naturally.
I have had a high blood pressure problem for a number of years and have been
taking a number of different prescription medications that Doctor has prescribed
for me.
These medication never quite worked as well as we had hoped, and I continued to
suffer from a high blood pressure condition. My Doctor eventually told me that
he had run out of different medications for me to try and that I would have this
condition for a long time to come. One of my concerns was the long term side
effects of the medication I was having to take, the other was the cost for the
I then saw your herbal "
Lowering Blood Pressure " product at a
local Health Food Store and decided to give it a try. To my amazement my blood
pressure is the lowest it has been is years, and I am so excited that I have
found a natural solution to a long term problem, that I wanted to tell you how
well this
high blood pressure herb has worked for me. An amazed customer."
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Feed Back : Milk Aid Formula
Lynda Hahn - USA
"Thanks for the information you provided...really gave me a true and
realistic expectation to work son is now 6 weeks old and in the last
week and a half, I have been pumping regularly to re-stimulate the milk
production. I had to stop nursing him when he was 2 weeks old due to thrush and
at the time."
In response to a customer email :
Thank you for your e-mail. Herbs have different actions on different people.
Sometimes herbs act quickly other times a little slower. Normally you should
start to see results with
Milk Aid within
4 to 8 weeks. Assuming you take it everyday. You may want to take 3 servings (2
capsules each serving) per day. 2 capsules 3 times a day.
Please also read about how to encourage your body to produce milk. When milk is
taken out of your body by pumping this triggers your body to start producing
more milk. The more milk you take out the more milk your body will want to
How Mother's Milk
is Made. One of the primary reasons for mothers not having enough milk is the
baby isn't at the breast for long enough each day. Nursing sessions are ended
before the baby lets go, or feeding intervals are stretched out too far between,
or something else is given to the baby to tide them over.
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Feed Back : Uni-Tract Formula
Mrs. Sherry Angelo - PA - USA
"I would like share my recent urinary tract infection experience....One day
without warning I felt a burning sensation while I was urinating. The sensation
was especially bad towards the end of my urinating. It was so bad that I would
deliberately stop before I reached the end to reduce that painful sensation.
I have a friend that has a reoccurring urinary tract infection and she has used
anti-biotics a number of times. The infection goes away but reoccurs again in a
few months or sometimes weeks. She is constantly at the doctor for this. So I
decided to take care of this ailment the natural way versus taking anti-biotics.
I have also read that anti-biotics kill all antibodies (your immune system)
therefore causing a relapse later on. The infection develops a resistance
against anti-biotics that after a period of time the doctor has to increase the
Well, needless to say that I started taking Uni-Tract and felt great after two
days and thought I could stop taking them. I got a relapse two days later and
deserved it. I decided to take the herbal capsules seriously as I would an
antibiotic and began taking 2 caps four times a day and a cup of the Uni-Tract
Tea in the morning, lunch and evening. I also decided to avoid the foods groups
listed on your web site, such as sugar, fried foods, coffee, alcohol and similar
foods while I healed.
Although after a few days the pain went away I continued taking the Uni-Tract
Capsules and tea on the same schedule until I had finished 2 bottles and 2 tea
boxes. It has been a few of weeks and I am feeling great and since then have
improved my eating habits as well, since I am told that most
(urinary tract infections) are caused by
a low immune system. I have also started taking the Immune Build capsules -
which I will do for a month or so. After that I think if I eat right and stay
healthy I should be more than ok.
The lesson I thought I would share is to take natural products just like you
would take anti-biotics,
religiously a few times everyday until the bottles/course is finished. I have
decided I would send in my testimonial since the Uni-Tract has helped me
tremendously. This is a natural alternative that has worked for me and I hope
for others."
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Feed Back : Facial Night Cream
Mary Inoa - NJ
"I love Naturally Brands products because they are superbly made with
quality ingredients and have earned my respect and trust. There are so many
favorite products but I would like to list my very, very favorite picks.
At first I was very skeptical about trying a different product to moisturize my
face. It took me a while but after being consistently exposed to literature,
which discusses the dangers of synthetic based products on the skin, I decided
to try it. I began using the
Facial Cream, which has a very light pleasant
smell. Simply knowing that the cream is made from wheat germ oil, which contains
natural vitamin E versus the synthetic ones, made me feel great using this
product. I got a dark sunspot above my eyebrow, which concerned me a great deal.
I don't want to make any healing claims but I believe that between the
combination of using this product plus juicing vegetables in my juicer helped
eliminate the spot. I use it at night so that the natural oils seep into my
Thanks for offering a all natural product that I can use and trust."
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Feed Back : Hand & Body Lotion
Mary Inoa - USA
"I had to write about the
Hand and Body
lotion. Why they call it lotion I don't know! It should be called the All
Natural, Multi-Purpose moisturizer. The reason I say this is because I have used
it for several purposes. I use the lotion on my hands especially my fingertips.
I have a form of eczema and this product moisturizes my skin like no other
lotion. I have even tried cortisone creams and they don't even compare. I use it
at night and those mornings when it is very cold, I put it on before I put on my
gloves so my skin is moisturized before I get in to work.
The second use for this product is my hair, yes my hair. You know how you lose a
lot of the moisture from the shampoos and hair gels? Well, I have curly hair and
I prefer my hair to dry naturally. I take a small amount, about the size of a
dime, and rub my palms and fingertips gently, and then lightly crunch my hair.
My curls get a natural curl without any buildup or stiffness. It helps restore
the loss of moisture.
The third use for this product is to remove my makeup. I take my ring finger and
rub a small amount around my eyes and use a cotton ball to remove my mascara. I
don't use all over face makeup so I have never tried it on my entire face. It
can also be used to remove my lipstick."
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Feed Back : Natural Lip Balm
Astrid Versveld - CA
"My favorite product is the lip balm. During the cold winter days and harsh
summers I need a little more moisture than my lips can produce. I trust this
source since it is petroleum base free. I even put this
lip balm over my beige lipstick to
give them a shine and gives me a natural look. Looking natural thanks to you."
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Feed Back : Essential Oils
Dr Vitez - Ohio
"As a doctor, I personally like and use Herbal Choice Essential Oils. I find
the Herbal Choice Essential Oils to be of a pure quality that have not been
diluted but 100% distilled from plants (including their respective parts such as
seeds, bark, leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruit etc.)
They have many benefits as they are truly 100% pure. Because of the following
benefits, I have chosen to use Herbal Choice Essential Oils. These oils have the
regenerating, oxygenating and immune defense properties of God’s plants. They
are very small (molecular in size) and can quickly penetrate the tissues of the
These oils are lipid soluble and are capable of penetrating even hard cell walls
that are suffering from oxygen deficiency. These special God-given oils can
affect every cell of the body within 20 minutes. Plus they are then metabolized
like other nutrients. They do contain oxygen molecules that will help transport
nutrients to the starving human cells. Please note, a nutritional deficiency is
an oxygen deficiency; disease begins when the cells lack the oxygen for proper
nutrient assimilation. When the oxygen is supplied, essential oils also work to
help stimulate the immune system of the human body.
These oils are very powerful antioxidants. We need antioxidants because they
create an unfriendly environment for our enemies known as free radicals. They
prevent mutations and are free radical scavengers. They prevent fungus and
prevent oxidation in the cells. In addition, I use Herbal Choice Essential oils
because of these June “1994” Research findings. The Medical University of
Berlin, Germany and Vienna, Austria had found essential oils to be chemically
heterogonous (meaning they are very diverse in their effects). They can perform
several functions.
Some oils can function as an antibacterial. Where others are anti-cancerous,
anti-fungal, and anti-infectious. Still, others are anti-microbial and anti-tumoral.
Parasites and viruses are also destroyed with essential oils, for they are
anti-parasitic and anti-viral in nature. They can also be an anti-septic. The
Medical University of Berlin also stated that some oils proved to destroy all
tested bacteria and viruses; plus, complete balance was restored to the body. It
is a miracle to me. They also stated that Herbal Choice Essential Oils can
detoxify our cells and blood. In my opinion, I don’t know how I got along with
out them."
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Customer Testimonials

Other Testimonials :
High Blood Pressure
Money Back Guarantee We are so confident that you will be satisfied, that we offer a 60
day Money Back Guarantee with a 2 product (4 bottle) limit .
Remember this is a natural product and may take a little longer to
work than chemical equivalents. Natures Brands in harmony
with nature, use only all natural products.