Slim 1 - Metabo Plus
$ 15.95

 Slim 1 - Metabo Plus
Increases your bodies metabolism to speed up the fat burning process
- ephedra free.
Slim 1 - Metabo Plus Weight Loss Herb Supplement:
A herbal complex that naturally increase the body's metabolism to help burn
unwanted body fat.
Natural Weight Loss Ingredients in Slim 1 - Metabo Plus:
Contains 9 different herbs that will gently boost your metabolism to start
burning more calories. This fat burner diet pill contains well known herbs such
Guarana: Guarana contains small amounts of a compound that is in the same
family as caffeine. However, the whole seed with all its complementary
components doesn't have the harsh effect of caffeine with its potential for fast
"rush". This slow release provides a sustained long-term energizing effect to
increase your bodies metabolism to burn excess body fat.
Gotu Kola: Decreases fatigue, increases energy levels and promotes
Green Tea: Contains catechins and epicatechins, plant compounds belonging to
the flavonol category. These are powerful antioxidants that have shown to aid
weight loss and improve general body functions.
Bladderwrack: Is a type of Kelp, a brown seaweed that is naturally rich in
iodine and many other trace elements. Known to aid weight loss and balance
metabolism functions.
Red Clove: Known as a blood purifier and detoxifier has other properties
including appetite control and even a hormone-like isoflavone content.
Gymnema: Used since 6th century BC, in India it is known as "gurmur" the
destroyer of sugar, due to its ability to interfere with or block the perception
of sweet and bitter tastes for up to 3 hours.
Fenugreek: A member of the bean family, fenugreek has a balancing effect on
blood sugar levels.
Weight Loss Program: Use Slim 1 alone or in combination Slim 2,3 or 4. Also works well with
supa slim, hodia slim
and noni juice.
Testimonials: "I've used the Supa Slim, Slim-1 and Super Greens
together with great results. Lost 10 lbs over 3 months and have kept it off ever
since. Great program to lose weight and to keep it off, thanks. Now don't change
my program".
D. Grupper UT USA
Slim 1 - Metabo Plus Capules 60 Veg Capsules : 0335
$ 15.95

Slim 1 - Metabo Plus Capules 20 Tea Bags : 0556
$ 8.95

Safety Notes: Do not take if pregnant. Do not take more than 6 capsules
per day. Not recommended with people with high blood pressure or heart
conditions. Use 3 weeks on 1 week off. Suitable for vegetarians.

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