Whole Food Vitamin B $ 14.65


Whole Food Vitamin B
100% Whole Food Vegetarian Vitamin B Complex.
Whole Food Vitamin B:
Whole Food B is made from foods that are naturally rich in natural vitamin
100% Whole Food Vitamin B complex. -
No synthetics only Whole Food ingredients. -
Vegetarian capsule and formula.
Synthetic Vitamins verse Whole Food Vitamins:
Most brands of supplements available today are made from synthetics These
"vitamins" are chemical compounds that have been manufactured in laboratory to
copy the molecular structure of natural vitamins. Your body is designed to
absorb nutrients from food. For this reason most health experts agree that it is
best to obtain your daily vitamin supplement from whole food, (real food) than
from synthetic vitamin sources.
Ingredients in the Whole Food Vitamin B:
The group of vitamins known as Vitamin B's include essential B vitamins such
thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid, B12, biotin and
pantothenic acid amongst a few. All these vitamins are important for good
health. The Whole Food formula combines food based sources that are rich in;
Wild Rice: Wild rice towers over other grains when it
comes to amounts of protein, minerals, B vitamins and folic acid. The niacin
content of wild rice is also a stand-out figure. Wild rice contains fiber,
magnesium and a healthy balance of B vitamins. Small amounts of calcium and iron
are also part of the wild rice picture.
Kelp & Sea Vegetables: Kelp contains almost every mineral and trace
mineral necessary for human existence. It also contains amino acids and
vitamins. Sea vegetables are one of the richest sources of minerals in the
vegetable kingdom as they have ready access to the abundance of minerals found
in the ocean. Sea water & human blood contain many of the same minerals in very
similar concentrations. Sea vegetables contain high amounts of calcium and
phosphorous and are extremely high in magnesium, iron, iodine and sodium. They
also contain vitamins B1, C and E.
Soybean: is a native of the Far East and contains small amounts of
Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin E
Pure & all Natural:
No synthetic isolates are added. Additive free, chemical free isolate and
synthetic free. PhytoVitamins are probably the purest all natural vitamin or
whole food vitamin supplement you and your family will ever use. May be used in
combination with the
super green food
or alternate with naturally made with mixed tocopherols
"The Phytovitamins Whole Food Beta Carotene is the only vitamin A type
supplement I can take with out it repeating on me. I think it must have to do
with the wonderful all natural ingredients which are synthetic free."
K. Burns KS USA
Whole Food Vitamin B
90 Veg Capsules Code: 2205 Sale Price $ 14.65

Safety Notes: Do not take of pregnant.
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