Homeopathic Calcium Complex 250 Sublingual Tabs
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Homeopathic Calcium Complex 250 Sublingual Tabs
Homeopathic Biochemic Calcium Tablet:
Calc Flour is present in the surface of the bones, in the enamel of the
teeth, and in the elastic fibers of the skin, muscular tissue and blood vessels.
Calc Phos us a constituent of the bone, teeth, connective tissue, blood
corpuscles and gastric juices. It unites with albumin giving solidity to the
bones, building the teeth. Bone is 57% Calcium Phosphate. It uses albumin as a
cement to buildup bone structure and it is concerned with the formation of
teeth, hence its value to children. When there is a deficiency of
Calc. Phos. there is defective nutrition. It promotes healthy cellular
activity and restores tone to weakened organs and tissues. It assists digestion
and assimilation and is a valuable tonic.
May be taken in conjunction with Homeo-Care Advanced Liquid Formulas.
Directions: Take 4 to 6 sublingual tablets under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 6 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution : Do not take
if pregnant.
Calcium Tablet & Calcium Supplement as Homeopathic Cell Salts.