Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathic medicine and remedies for
treatment and cure.
Homeopathic Medicine Formulas on this page:
Bone Care
Calcium Complex
Hair & Nails
Teeth & Gums
Links to other Homeopathic Remedies Formulas;
What is a Homeopathic Biochemic System?
Dr Schuessler a prominent Homeopathic Doctor discovered that if the body became
deficient in the basic essential minerals then an abnormal condition would
To him, a symptom was merely a distress signal, warning that the body is missing
essential minerals. Once these missing minerals were restored a normal condition
followed. This he termed the "Biochemic System of homeopathic medicine".
The Benefits of Homeopathic Medicine;
Homeopathy is a complete system of which aims to promote general health, by
reinforcing the body's own natural healing capacity. Because Homeopathy uses
"energy" of the substance rather than the chemical properties, a system had to
be discovered that would release this energy and make it available for
assimilation into the body. The system used is called potentization, this is the
result of repeated dilution and succussion (vibration).
Homeopathic medicine treats the patients as whole beings, by respecting the
symptoms first and recognizing that there is a reason that they exist in the
first place. And then they work reactively - by giving the remedy that in a well
person would create the totality of symptoms that the patient is already
experiencing. That is the heart of the homeopathic medicine method and practice.
It is called similarity. Safe for adults and children.
Homeopathic medicine provides a safe, effective, natural, nontoxic treatment for
many acute and chronic illnesses. While the homeopathic medicine may be said to
be a throwback to ancient practices, it must also be considered, in the light of
modern scientific discoveries, to be the most modern form of medicine.
More information about homeopathy and homeopathic medicine.
Money Back Guarantee We are so confident that you will be satisfied, that we offer a 60 day Money Back Guarantee with a 2 product limit.
Remember this is a natural product and may take a little longer to work than
chemical equivalents. Natures Brands in harmony with nature, use only all
natural products.
NaturesBrands.com, Homeopathic medicine and remedies for
treatment and cure.

Acid2Alkaline Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 caps / serving 500mg /
serving 90 caps / bottle vegetarian capsules
Nat Phos 6x Nat Sulph 6x Silica 6x Green Tea (aerial) Burdock (root)
Celery (seed) Fenugreek (seed) Mustard (seed) Alfalfa (seed&aerial)
Dandelion (arl&root) Licorice (aerial&root) Caraway (seed) Fennel
Other Ingredients: Lactose based tablets.
Free from colorants, preservatives, & artificial additives. No sugar,
yeast or wheat. This product has not been irradiated. No animal extracts. Not
tested on animals.
Acid2Alkaline has only
Whole Natural Herbs, direct from nature.
Selected Alkaline Foods from this Chart : Acid
Alkaline Foods Chart
Acid2Alkaline Supplement
With 3 x Free pH Tester Strips With Each Bottle
Free pH testers are supplied with every bottle of Acid2Alkaline Supplement.
These pH testers will help determine whether your body fluids are too acidic.
Nat Phos (Sodium Phosphate) this tissue-salt is present in the blood, muscles,
nerve and brain cells, as well as in their intercellular fluids, It is an acid
neutralizer. An acid state gives rose to rheumatic troubles, digestive upsets,
intestinal disorders, and has an adverse effect upon assimilation.
Directions : Acidity and alkalinity are measured according to the pH scale. Use
the pH paper strips (you may cut them smaller for more uses). Spit saliva onto
the strip. Wait at least 60 seconds. Compare the color against the chart given.
Always perform the test at least two hours before or after eating or drinking.
(The paper strips are light olive green to start).
Depending on the results of your test, you could take 2 to 6 tablets of Acid 2
Alkaline per day. Take with freshly squeezed lemon juice and water (cut &
squeeze a fresh lemon into mineral water).
Avoid Acidic Foods and increase your intake of
Alkaline Foods (see chart below).
If you are acidic the pH testers will change from olive green to light yellow,
if you are alkaline it will change from olive green to dark blue. Target to be a
dark blue all the time, an alkaline healthy state.
Acid2Alkaline Supplement is a Homeopathic & Herbal formula supplied in
vegetarian capsules with 3 FREE acidic litmus in every bottle.
For acidic conditions take two or more Acid2Alkaline tablets with FRESHLY
squeezed lemon and water (cut and squeeze a lemon into mineral water) at least
once a day. Now don't get confused, a lemon is in fact very "alkaline" on the
body. Eat less "junk food which is acid on the body" and eat more "healthy food
which is alkaline on the body".
See Acid2Alkline Home Page for more information.
May be taken in conjunction with Whole Food Vitamins and Herbal Super Greens.
Acid2Alkaline 90 veg caps + Free Testers
90 veg capsules
Code : 1030
Price $ 18.25
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
4 to 6 tablets / serving
250 sublingual tab/bottle
Ferr Phos 6c
Nat Phos 6c
Nat Sulph 6c
Mag Phos 6c
Calc Phos 6c
Other Ingredients:
Sublingual tablets in a lactose based. |

A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Ferr Phos : is the pre-eminent Biochemic First-Aid.
It is the oxygen-carrier. It takes up oxygen from the air inhaled by the lungs
and carries it in the blood stream to all parts of the body thus furnishing the
vital force that sustains life. It gives strength and toughness to the circular
walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries. Freely circulating,
oxygen-rich blood is essential to health and life and for this reason Ferr. Phos.
should always be considered as a supplementary remedy no matter what other
treatment may be indicated by the symptoms.
Mag Phos :is known as the anti-spasmodic tissue-salt. Its main function
is in connection with the nervous system where it supplements the action of Kali
Phos. When a deficiency of Mag. Phos occurs, the white nerve fibers contract,
causing spasms and cramps. This tissue-salt is of importance to muscular tissue
ensuring rhythmic and coherent movement.
Nat Phos : A deficiency of Nat Phos allows uric acid to form salts which
become deposited around the joints and tissues giving rise to stiffness, pain
and swelling.
May be taken in conjunction with Homeo-Care Advanced Liquid Formulas.
Directions: Take 4 to 6 sublingual tablets under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 6 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Arthritis Biochemic Homeopathic
250 sublingual tabs Code : 1031
Price $ 14.25
Bone Care
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
4 to 6 tablets / serving
250 sublingual tab/bottle
Calc Fluor 6c
Calc Phos 6c
Silica 6c
Other Ingredients:
Sublingual tablets in a lactose based.

Bone Care
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Calc Flour is present in
the surface of the bones, in the enamel of the teeth, and in the elastic fibers
of the skin, muscular tissue and blood vessels.
Calc Phos us a constituent of the bone,
teeth, connective tissue, blood corpuscles and gastric juices. It unites with
albumin giving solidity to the bones, building the teeth. Bone is 57% Calcium
Phosphate. It uses albumin as a cement to buildup bone structure and it is
concerned with the formation of teeth, hence its value to children. When there
is a deficiency of Calc. Phos. there is defective nutrition.
Silica This tissue-salt is present in the
blood, skin, hair, bones and nails. It is also a constituent of connective
tissue, bones and nerve sheathes. Its action is deep and long-lasting and it is
indicated in imperfectly nourished constitutions where there is a history of
deficient assimilation.
May be taken in conjunction with Homeo-Care Advanced Liquid Formulas.
Directions: Take 4 to 6 sublingual tablets
under the tongue 3 times daily. May be taken up to 6 times daily in acute cases.
Take in smaller doses more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Bone Care Biochemic Homeopathic
250 sublingual tabs Code : 1032
Price $ 14.25
Calcium Complex
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
4 to 6 tablets / serving
250 sublingual tab/bottle
Calc Fluor 6c
Calc Phos 6c
Calc Sulph 6c
Other Ingredients:
Sublingual tablets in a lactose based.

Calcium Complex
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Calc Flour is present in the surface of the bones,
in the enamel of the teeth, and in the elastic fibers of the skin, muscular
tissue and blood vessels.
Calc Phos us a constituent of the bone, teeth, connective tissue, blood
corpuscles and gastric juices. It unites with albumin giving solidity to the
bones, building the teeth. Bone is 57% Calcium Phosphate. It uses albumin as a
cement to buildup bone structure and it is concerned with the formation of
teeth, hence its value to children. When there is a deficiency of
Calc. Phos. there is defective nutrition. It promotes healthy cellular
activity and restores tone to weakened organs and tissues. It assists digestion
and assimilation and is a valuable tonic.
May be taken in conjunction with Homeo-Care Advanced Liquid Formulas.
Directions: Take 4 to 6 sublingual tablets under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 6 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Calcium Biochemic Homeopathic
250 sublingual tabs
Code : 1033
Price $ 14.25
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
4 to 6 tablets / serving
250 sublingual tab/bottle
Mag Phos 6c
Calc Phos 6c
Other Ingredients:
Sublingual tablets in a lactose based.

A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Mag Phos (Magnesium Phosphate) is quick to relieve
pain, especially cramping, shooting darting or spasmodic pains. Mag Phos is
indicated for nerve pains, cramps and those sudden, sharp twinges of pain. Mag
Phos will often act more rapidly when the tablets are taken with a sip of hot
May be taken in conjunction with Homeo-Care Advanced Liquid Formulas.
Directions: Take 4 to 6 sublingual tablets under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 6 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Cramps Biochemic Homeopathic
250 sublingual tabs
Code : 1034
Price $ 14.25

Hair & Nails
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
4 to 6 tablets / serving
250 sublingual tab/bottle
Kali Sulph 6c
Nat Mur 6c
Silica 6c
Other Ingredients:
Sublingual tablets in a lactose based. |
Hair & Nails
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Silica acts more upon the organic
substances of the body, involving particularly the joints, bones, nails and
skin.Brittle nails and an impoverished condition of the hair need this
tissue-salt. In cases of checked perspiration, Silica restores the activity of
the skin and it is also the remedy for offensive perspiration.
Nat. Mur is the water-distributing tissue-salt. It enters into the
composition of every fluid and solid of the body. Because of its powerful
affinity for water, it controls the ebb and flow of the bodily fluids-its prime
function being to maintain a proper degree of moisture throughout the system.
Without this tissue-salt, cell division and normal growth could not proceed.
May be taken in conjunction with Homeo-Care Advanced Liquid Formulas.
Directions: Take 4 to 6 sublingual tablets under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 6 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Hair & Nails Biochemic Homeopathic
250 sublingual tabs
Code : 1035
Price $ 14.25

Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
4 to 6 tablets / serving
250 sublingual tab/bottle
Ferr Phos 6c
Kali Phos 6c
Kali Sulph 6c
Other Ingredients:
Sublingual tablets in a lactose based.

A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
May be taken in conjunction with Homeo-Care Advanced
Liquid Formulas.
Kali Phos is indicated for the treatment of nervous conditions and
lowered vitality, "grumpiness" and many other conditions. Kali Phos is not
merely a pick-me-up, it is an important constituent of nerve tissue and
consequently has a wide and powerful influence on the bodily functions.
Directions: Take 4 to 6 sublingual tablets under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 6 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Menopause Biochemic Homeopathic
250 sublingual
Code : 1036
Price $ 14.25
Teeth & Gums
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
4 to 6 tablets / serving
250 sublingual tab/bottle
Calc Flou 6c
Kali Phos 6c
Silica 6c 6c
Calc Phos 6c
Other Ingredients:
Sublingual tablets in a lactose based.

Teeth & Gums
A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Calc Flour is present in the surface of the bones,
in the enamel of the teeth, and in the elastic fibers of the skin, muscular
tissue and blood vessels.
Silica This tissue-salt is present in the blood, skin, bones, nails and
teeth. It is also a constituent of connective tissue, bones and nerve sheathes.
Its action is deep and long-lasting and it is indicated in imperfectly nourished
constitutions where there is a history of deficient assimilation.
May be taken in conjunction with Homeo-Care Advanced Liquid Formulas.
Directions : Take 4 to 6 sublingual tablets under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 6 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Teeth & Gums Biochemic Homeopathic
250 sublingual
Code : 1037
Price $ 14.25

Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
4 to 6 tablets / serving
250 sublingual tab/bottle
Calc Fluor 6c
Calc Phoc 6c
Calc Sulph 6c
Ferr Phos 6c
Kali Mur 6c
Kali Phos 6c
Kali Sulph 6c
Mag Phos 6c
Nat Mur 6c
Nat Phos 6c
Nat Sulph 6c
Silica 6c
Other Ingredients:
Sublingual tablets in a lactose based.

A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
All 12 Biochemic ingredients in one tonic formula.
Excellent as a general tonic or as a tonic for chronic and acute conditions. May
be used with most other dietary supplements and even medications.
May be taken in conjunction with Homeo-Care Advanced Liquid Formulas.
Directions: Take 4 to 6 sublingual tablets under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 6 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Tonic Biochemic Homeopathic
250 sublingual
Code : 1038
Price $ 14.25
Homeopathic Facts
Serving Size:
4 to 6 tablets / serving
250 sublingual tab/bottle
Nat Phos 6c
Nat Sulph 6c
Silica 6c
Other Ingredients:
Sublingual tablets in a lactose based. |

A Homeopathic Biochemic mineral Homeopathic medicine formula.
Nat Phos (Sodium Phosphate) this tissue-salt is
present in the blood, muscles, nerve and brain cells, as well as in their
intercellular fluids, It is an acid neutralizer. An acid state gives rose to
rheumatic troubles, digestive upsets, intestinal disorders, and has an adverse
effect upon assimilation.
Nat. Sulph ensures the disposal of these poison charged fluids and its
importance in the treatment of r brownish-green coating of the tongue and a
bitter taste in the mouth are some of the symptoms. It is the principal remedy
in eliminating the excess of toxic fluids from the system.
May be taken in conjunction with Homeo-Care Advanced Liquid Formulas.
Directions: Take 4 to 6 sublingual tablets under the tongue 3 times
daily. May be taken up to 6 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses
more often, rather than larger doses less often.
Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other
medications. Safe for adults and children. As an extra precaution :
Do not take if pregnant.
Tonsillitis Biochemic Homeopathic
250 sublingual
Code : 1039
Price $ 14.25