Natural Bristle Toothbrush Soft
Price: $2.98
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Natural Bristle Toothbrush Soft
Fuchs (pronounced like the word “future”) is a German word meaning “fox”.
Fuchs Natural Toothbrushes are manufactured under the strict quality control guidelines
of the German Food and Drug Regulations, and are registered by the USFDA for
import into the United States. Natural Bristle brushes actually come from a
special breed of boar raised solely for its bristles. The bristles are carefully
harvested using a process similar to the methods employed in shearing sheep.
Everyone’s teeth grow and change; each stage requires different toothbrush
technology to produce optimal results. If you look carefully at a Fuchs
toothbrush you will see that it contains a very dense bristle field, a feature
found only on the world’s highest quality toothbrushes. This density prolongs
the life of the toothbrush as well as providing a more effective brushing
action. Within the last few years you may have seen extensive advertising about
the benefits of using ripple “V” bristle fields; these uniquely shaped bristles
help prevent plaque formation, as they can more effectively get in between the
teeth. Fuchs is one of the original manufacturers of the ripple v bristle
toothbrush always at the forefront of dental care technology. The Record V
Toothbrush also features a uniquely angled neck, providing maximum agility in
reaching even the furthest corners of the mouth. Comes in Soft, Medium & hard
Fuchs Toothbrush Natural Toothbrush & Tooth Care.