Super Green Foods
Super green foods and super greens a green
food supplement and green vitamin with over 30 different green vitamin, mineral and
enzyme rich green supplement ingredients.

Your Satisfaction Guaranteed : |
Service : priority mail 2 to 3 days for USA customers. |
Purity : 100% natural, no fillers, preservatives or additives. |
Quality : whole food, organic or wild crafted used when possible. |
Vegetarian : capsules and ingredients suitable. |
Value : great value for the price you pay. |

Other Green Alkaline Supplements;

Natural Vitamins
Most brands of supplements available today are made from synthetics!
Natural whole food vitamins and minerals are synthetic FREE!

Antioxidant Herbs
With a specific blend of natural herbal antioxidants plus a super antioxidant mushroom and brewers yeast complex.

High Blood Pressure Herbs
Some herbs are known to help improve circulation, and in some cases help to control and reduce blood pressure levels.

Cholesterol Control
Cholesterol lowering herbs may help change the ration of of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.

Weight Loss
Naturally increase the body's metabolism to help burn unwanted body fat.
Green Food Vitamin & Powder:
Use green foods for energy, vitamins, minerals and
nutrients : Super Green Foods are made from plants that are good
detoxifiers and blood cleansers, as well as sources of chlorophyll,
minerals, enzymes and other important nutrients.
More than thirty years ago, scientists working independently in
Germany, South Africa and Australia drafted reports showing that
all nutrients necessary for normal human body function could be
found in grasses, weeds and
green food of various kinds.
The modern diet is saturated with processed and hard-to-digest
foods that create a high level of acid in your body, causing illness and disease. Herbal
Super Greens
natural plant ingredients help neutralize this acid and
pull the blood and tissue balance back to its ideal, more alkaline state. Also see
alkaline supplements
Don’t be alarmed if you experience detoxification symptoms
when you begin the detoxification process. Some symptoms you may
experience could be headaches, nausea, diarrhea, low energy and
rash. These symptoms are coming from toxins being released into
your system. Sometimes people want to give up when they begin the
process but sooner or later they may have to go through it. Toxins
that are not released will continue to make you sick.
Super Greens & Green Food Powder contains over 30 different Green Food;
These super green foods contains the following powerful all natural phyto-based ingredients;
Wild Rice is rich in all the Vitamin B’s
such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and folic acid.
Echinacea is one of the most researched herbs in
the herbal kingdom and is especially common in the Northwestern and
Midwestern US. It was used by Native Americans to treat a wide
assortment of infections and inflammations, including coughs,
colds, sore throats, and wounds.
Ginger stimulates poor circulation, fights
inflammation, cleanses the colon, reduces spasms and cramps and is
a strong antioxidant and effective anti-microbial agent for sores
and wounds.
Parsley another green super food is known
for its juice are cooling and detoxifying and especially good
for the kidney and help reduce water retention (oedema).
Rose hip is a good source of bioflavonoids as
well as vitamin C. It is good for bladder problems and all
(continue on left for more details of the powerful supreme green
phyto-ingredients in the Herbal Super Greens formula).
Money Back Guarantee We are so confident that you
will be satisfied, that we offer a 60 day Money Back Guarantee with
a 2 product (4 bottle) limit
Super green foods and super greens a green
food supplement and green vitamin with over 30 different green vitamin, mineral and
enzyme rich green supplement ingredients.

Super Greens ORIGINAL

Super Greens PLUS


Herbal Super Greens Original
In 2 formulas Super Greens Original & PLUS Formula in capsule
or powder.
You need super green foods :
The modern diet is saturated with processed and hard-to-digest foods that create a high level of acid in your body, causing
illness and disease. Herbal Super Greens natural plant ingredients
help neutralize this acid and pull the blood and tissue balance
back to the ideal alkaline body while feeding the body with super green food nutrients.
We lack vital alkaline foods: We tend to eat to much acidic
type foods for an alkaline balance, this means we are faced with
needing to get more nutrients from less food. At the same time, many of our
foods are also depleted, modern farming practices have resulted in soils that
are lacking in basic nutrients.
Alkalize your body : with a super green food supplement: Super greens is packed with over 30 different vitamin, mineral and enzyme rich
super green foods. These alkaline foods are so important for overall health and well being.
Use the power of nature : the way it was
intended with a complete green supplement with all natural vitamins,
minerals and enzymes that your body desperately needs, but lacks due to our modern diet and
farming practices. The green food contains naturally occurring
vitamins, minerals, enzymes and nutrients that are easily assimilated.
The Herbal Greens Original Formula: This herbal
green food supplement
is made from 30 different super greens
increase your daily intake of vitamin, mineral and enzyme rich nuts, seeds and
whole grains all alkaline foods. These
super green food ingredients help to
alkalize, energize, and nourish your cells as they balance your body's pH level. Contains
alfalfa, wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, grasses, grains,
nuts, seeds, legumes, herbs, vegetables & sea vegetables all
super green foods, for an alkaline diet with an added probiotic complex and
digestive enzyme
Chlorophyll Almost all of the ingredients contain chlorophyll, which has been found to aid in the healing of
intestinal ulcers, gastritis, liver disorders, eczema, hemorrhoids,
asthma, high blood pressure, anemia, constipation, body and breath
odor, bleeding gums, infections, burns, athlete’s foot and
Alfalfa is one of the most mineral-rich green
food ingredients known and is good to use while fasting because of
its chlorophyll and nutrient content. It contains vitamin A,
vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, magnesium,
potassium, phosphorus, iron, silicon plus traces of virtually all
known vitamins and minerals.
Barley Grass has a concentrated source of
chlorophyll supporting the immune and cleansing. It also contains B
vitamins, vitamin K for bone metabolism, minerals and enzymes.
Green Tea contains catechins and epicatechins,
plant compounds belonging to the flavonol category. These are
powerful antioxidants, and have been shown to aid in diabetes. This
is a great green tea supplement.
Kelp is a type of seaweed that is a rich source
of vitamins, especially the B Vitamins, as well as of many valuable
minerals. It is reported to be very beneficial to brain tissue, the
membranes surrounding the brain, the sensory nerves, and the spinal
cord as well as the nails and blood vessels. It has been used in
the treatment of underactive thyroid
problems because of its iodine content, and is useful for other conditions such
as hair loss, obesity and ulcers. Kelp is recommended as a daily green food
supplement, especially for people with mineral deficiencies.
Spirulina is a plant that produces twenty times
as much protein as soybeans. It contains nutrients such as gamma
linolenic acid, vitamin B12, linoleic and arachidonic acids, iron, protein (60
to 70 percent), essential amino acids, chlorophyll, and phyccocayanin, a blue pigment that is found
only in blue green algae. Spirulina aids in protecting the immune system,
lower cholesterol and in mineral absorption. Its
high protein content helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Spirulina is included in our
green vitamin.
Turmeric Root is active against many types of
bacteria and is antifungal and antiparasitic. It is also a blood
cleanser and a potent antioxidant. Turmeric has wide applications
throughout herbal medicine, including as a tonic or treatment for
joints, skin, digestion and the liver.
a popular green food that contains a full spectrum of vitamins and
minerals and is not toxic in any amount. It creates an unfavorable
environment for bacteria to grow, making it an effective healer.
Wheatgrass is rich in proteins and contains all 17 amino acids.
Enzymes and amino acids are responsible for renewing cells,
creating hormones and building muscles, blood and human organs.
The Herbal Greens PLUS Formula: contains the same 30 ingredients as the original
formula (see above) PLUS the following powerful all natural phyto-based ingredients to alkalize,
energize, and nourish your cells as they balance your body's pH level. These
ingredients are also known for their immune-boosting power and alkalizing properties;
Reishi Mushroom : is one of the most valued plants in the traditional Chinese
Medicine. It is known as a traditional "elixir of immortality" and is used to
treat a wide range of conditions, including heart disease, cancer, normalizes
blood pressure,
cholesterol, platelet stickiness, enhances immune and liver
health, helps indigestion, eases tension and improves sleep.
Shiitake :
Otherwise known as "the ginseng of mushrooms" has adaptogenic,
tonifying and especially immune-boosting power. It is used in Japan as an
adjunct of chemotherapy, improving its effectiveness. It increases interferon
and is a protective
antioxidant, inhibits the formation of arteriosclerotic
plaque. Shittake has been known to help prevent cardiovascular disease, stroke,
diabetes, regulates blood clotting, regulates sugar and helps reduce cholesterol.
Brewer’s Yeast : also known as nutritional yeast, is grown on
hops, a bitter herb that is rich in minerals (particularly chromium), protein,
and the B-complex vitamins (except for B12), sixteen amino acids and at least
fourteen different minerals. Brewer's yeast is a rich source of chromium, which
is an essential trace mineral that helps the body maintain normal blood sugar
levels, and is more easily absorbed than any other sources of chromium.
The Super Alkalizing Program : For an effective and powerful alkalizing
program use the Super Herbal Greens Capsules or Powder in combination with
acid alkaline
capsules or Powder. This alkalizing program may also be combined with the
immune boosters or
whole food vitamins.
Available in 2 formulas : Super Herbal Greens is available in two unique formulas;
Super Herbal Greens Original Formula: This effective formula is made from 30
different super greens increase your daily intake of vitamin, mineral and enzyme
rich nuts, seeds and whole grains all alkaline foods.
Super Herbal Greens PLUS Formula: This is the same great original formula
plus an antioxidant mushroom and brewers yeast complex.
Super Greens ORIGINAL Capsules
60 veg caps : Code 0066 Price $ 16.95
Super Greens ORIGINAL Powder +Free Food Chart 270g/9.51 oz :
Code 0068 Price $ 37.90
Super Greens PLUS Capsules
Same great original formula plus antioxidant mushrooms
60 veg caps : Code 0067 Price $ 17.95
Super Greens PLUS Powder +Free Food Chart
Same great original formula plus antioxidant mushrooms. 270g/9.51 oz :
Code 0069 Price $ 39.90
Safety Notes: Do not use if pregnancy and nursing.
People allergic to sea food should not use this product (some of the vegetable
based ingredients are from the sea). Suitable for vegetarians.
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Sea Greens : Green Food
Sea vegetables are well know for being naturally rich in key green food minerals.
Sea Greens : is a combination of sea vegetables made from sea vegetables that contain naturally occurring vitamins,
minerals, and nutrients that are easily assimilated.
Sea vegetables : are well know for being naturally rich in iodine, a key mineral required for proper
thyroid and body function.
May be taken in conjunction with
or thyroid supplement or slimming
I thyroid
weight loss. Excellent when combined with other green formulas such as
super greens, alfalfa, spirulina,
wheat grass and kelp Greens.
Super Sea Greens Capsules 60 veg caps Code : 0065
Price $ 9.95
Safety Notes: Do not use if pregnancy and nursing. People
allergic to sea food should not use this product (some of the
vegetable based ingredients are from the sea). Suitable for vegetarians.
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Alfalfa Greens : Green Food
Alfalfa known for a super greens for its wide range of naturally occurring trace minerals and vitamins
Alfalfa Greens : is made from the super alfalfa plant that has so
many amazing health properties. Alfalfa is known to contain a wide
range of naturally occurring trace minerals and vitamins essential
for proper health.
Alfalfa is a mineral-rich green
food : and is good to use while fasting because of
its chlorophyll and nutrient content. Contains vitamin A,
vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, magnesium,
potassium, phosphorus, iron, silicon plus traces of virtually all
known vitamins and minerals.
Alfalfa Greens contains a unique alfalfa leaf and seed combination
for a complete mix of the two sources, as an excellent green supplement supreme.
Herbal Greens Alfalfa Green is an all natural vegetarian formula with no
additives or fillers. May be taken alone or in combination with
Super Herbal Greens Original or PLUS formulas.
Excellent when combined with other green formulas such as
super greens, sea, spirulina,
wheat grass and kelp Greens.
Alfalfa Greens Capsules 60 veg caps Code : 0060
Price $ 9.95
Safety Notes: Safety Notes: Do not use if pregnancy and nursing. Suitable for vegetarians.
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Spirulina Greens : Green Food
Spirulina is rich in protein and nutrients and is often referred to as
nature's green magic.
Spirulina beta carotene : is ten times more concentrated
than carrots. Get your natural beta carotene insurance from spirulina to help
support your body's defenses.
Spirulina is the highest protein food: with all the essential amino acids
and has only a few calories to keep your waistline where you want it. Spirulina is the
only other whole food with GLA. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
in mother's milk helps develop healthy babies.
Spirulina is rich in minerals : iron, magnesium and trace
minerals, and is easier to absorb than iron supplements. High in Vitamin B-12
and B Complex. Spirulina is the highest source of B-12, essential for healthy
nerves and tissue, especially for vegetarians.
Spirulina contains phytonutrients: for health and cleansing. Scientists
are discovering the benefits of polysaccharides, sulfolipids & glycolipids, and
the rainbow of natural pigments that give spirulina a deep green color. Green
(chlorophyll), blue (phycocyanin) and orange (carotenoids) colors collect the
sun's energy and power growth. Chlorophyll is a natural cleanser and is often
referred to as nature's green magic.
Herbal Greens Spirulina: is an all natural vegetarian formula with no
additives or fillers. May be taken alone or in combination with
acid alkaline
supplement and the Super Herbal Greens Original or PLUS formulas (see
Excellent when combined with other green formulas such as
super greens, alfalfa, sea,
wheat grass and kelp Greens.
Spirulina Greens Capsules 60 veg
caps Code : 0062 Price $ 9.95
Safety Notes: Safety Notes: Do not use if pregnancy and
nursing. Suitable for vegetarians.
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Wheat Grass : Green Food
Wheat Grass contains 20 amino acids and provides several hundred different
Wheat Grass : is one of natures super foods high in
Chlorophyll, nature’s most health-promoting nutrient. Contains 20 amino acids
and provides several hundred different enzymes not found in other foods. Wheat
grass is naturally rich in minerals and contains as many as 90 out of the
possible 102 minerals.
Wheat Grass is a complete food : rich in essential vitamins, minerals,
complete protein, fiber, enzymes, fatty acids, phytonutrients and more. Rich in
SOD (superoxide dismutase), a potent free radical scavenging antioxidant.
Herbal Greens Wheat Grass: is an all natural
vegetarian formula with no additives or fillers. May be taken alone or in
combination with
acid alkaline
supplement and the Super Herbal Greens Original or PLUS formulas (see
Excellent when combined with other green formulas such as
super greens, alfalfa, spirulina,
sea and kelp Greens.
Wheat Grass Greens Capsules 60 veg caps Code
: 0063 Price $ 9.95
Safety Notes: Safety Notes: Do not use if pregnancy and
nursing. Suitable for vegetarians.
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Kelp Greens : Green Food
Kelp is a nutritional source that is used to promote healthy glandular
Kelp is rich in : natural vitamins and minerals,
including essential trace minerals. The primary chemical constituents of
Kelp include algin, carrageenan, iodine, potassium, bromine, mucopolysaccharides,
mannitol, alginic acid, kainic acid, laminine, histamine, zeaxanthin, protein
and vitamins B-2 and C.
Helps glandular function : Kelp is a nutritional source that is used to
promote healthy glandular functions, focusing especially on the thyroid. Kelp is
especially high in iodine, which must be present for proper glandular function.
The large amounts of iodine found in Kelp are important in the treatment of an
thyroid. Herbal Greens Kelp: is an all natural
vegetarian formula with no additives or fillers. May be taken alone or in combination with
thyroid help and the Super Herbal Greens Original or PLUS formulas (see
Excellent when combined with other green formulas such as
super greens, alfalfa, spirulina,
wheat grass and sea Greens.
kelp Greens Capsules 60 veg caps
Code : 0064 Price $ 9.95
Safety Notes: Safety Notes: Do not use if pregnancy and
nursing. Suitable for vegetarians.
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