Supa Herbal Greens Plus 60 Veg Capsules
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Supa Herbal Greens Plus 60 Veg Capsules
You need Super Green Foods : The modern diet is
saturated with processed and hard-to-digest foods that create a high level of
acid in your body, causing illness and disease. Herbal Super Greens natural
plant ingredients help neutralize this acid and pull the blood and tissue
balance back to the ideal alkaline body while feeding the body with super green
food nutrients.
We lack vital Alkaline Foods: We tend to eat to much acidic type foods
for an alkaline balance, this means we are faced with needing to get more
nutrients from less food. At the same time, many of our foods are also depleted,
modern farming practices have resulted in soils that are lacking in basic
Alkalize your Body : with a super green food supplement: Super greens is
packed with over 30 different vitamin, mineral and enzyme rich super green
foods. These alkaline foods are so important for overall health and well being.
Use the Power of Nature : the way it was intended with a complete green
supplement with all natural vitamins, minerals and enzymes that your body
desperately needs, but lacks due to our modern diet and farming practices. The
green food contains naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, enzymes and
nutrients that are easily assimilated.
The Herbal Greens PLUS Formula:
contains the same 30 ingredients as the original formula PLUS the following
powerful all natural phyto-based ingredients to alkalize, energize, and nourish
your cells as they balance your body's pH level. These ingredients are also
known for their immune-boosting power and alkalizing properties;
Reishi Mushroom : is one of the most valued plants in the
traditional Chinese Medicine. It is known as a traditional "elixir of
immortality" and is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including heart
disease, cancer, normalizes blood
pressure, cholesterol, platelet stickiness, enhances
immune and liver health, helps indigestion, eases tension and improves sleep.
Shiitake : Otherwise known as "the ginseng of mushrooms"
has adaptogenic, tonifying and especially immune-boosting power. It is used in
Japan as an adjunct of chemotherapy, improving its effectiveness. It increases
interferon and is a protective antioxidant,
inhibits the formation of arteriosclerotic plaque. Shittake has been known to
help prevent cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, regulates blood clotting,
regulates sugar and helps reduce cholesterol.
Brewer’s Yeast : also known as nutritional yeast, is grown on
hops, a bitter herb that is rich in minerals (particularly chromium), protein,
and the B-complex vitamins (except for B12), sixteen amino acids and at least
fourteen different minerals. Brewer's yeast is a rich source of chromium, which
is an essential trace mineral that helps the body maintain normal blood sugar
levels, and is more easily absorbed than any other sources of chromium.
The Super Alkalizing Program : For an effective and powerful alkalizing
program use the Super Herbal Greens Capsules or Powder in combination with
acid alkaline capsules
or Powder. This alkalizing program may also be combined with the
immune boosters or
whole food vitamins.
Green Food Supplement made with 36 Different Super Foods.