Acid 2 Alkaline SPECIAL 90 Veg Capsules
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Acid 2 Alkaline SPECIAL 90 Veg Capsules
Acid to Alkaline Special Formula in Capsules: Poor diet, environment pollutants, and lack of proper exercise can adjust our pH balance, causing a build up of
acids which harm our human cells.
Is Your Body Acidic?: When the body is in a
constant state of acidity it gives rise to an environment conducive to
disease. Symptoms associated with an acid condition include
weight loss
problems, insomnia, water retention, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches,
alternating constipation, diarrhea, colds, flu, difficulty swallowing, burning
in the mouth, bumps on the tongue, stomach ulcers, cancer and even acid reflux
are all often associated with this condition.
An Alkaline Balanced Body: When you have an
alkaline body, bacteria and viruses will perish in this alkaline environment
allowing the body to resist disease. A pH balanced, or an alkaline body prevents
viruses and bacteria from flourishing. Therefore, no bacteria or virus will
enter an alkaline body, grow and mutate into serious illness or disease.
Alkalizing the Body : Shifting the body to a more alkaline state by
alkalizing can build up the immune system as they are closely related. A healthy
body maintains adequate alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands. When excess
acids must be neutralized our alkaline reserves are depleted leaving the body in
a weakened condition and prone to diseases.
The Difference between Brands : Acid-2-Alkaline has
been teaching the concept of an alkaline body for over 6 years. The myth that
taking chemically alkaline supplements will make your body alkaline overnight is
being promoted by many new aggressive manufacturers. Don't be mislead and
confused. It's not a matter of taking a supplement that is chemically very
alkaline, in fact some of these supplements may even be acidic on the body! Some
brands of alkaline supplements do not even reveal their ingredients online. A
lot of them are simple chemical formulas. Acid-2-Alkaline is 100% all natural
and has been formulated from a variety of 36 all natural alkaline ingredients.
The Acid-2-Alkaline formula is 100% vegetarian and we use organic ingredients
when possible, with absolutely no preservatives, additives or fillers (see other
ingredients of other brands for a list of fillers or preservatives (liquids)
they may use).
Use the Acid-2-Alkaline Supplement : take 3 or more Acid Alkaline caps
with FRESHLY squeezed lemon and filtered water at least once a day. (Cut the
lemon in quarters and squeeze a quarter lemon into a glass of filtered water. Do
not use pre-made lemon juice from a store). Now don't get confused, a lemon is
in fact " alkaline " on the body.
Use Acid-2-Alkaline with an Alkaline Diet: Soda pop, alcohol, sugar and
fried foods are very acidic on the body! It takes 26 capsules of Acid-2-Alkaline
Supplement to counter balance 1 can of soda pop! It would be crazy to
continue consuming acidic foods if you want to become alkaline. With
supplementation and correct eating it takes weeks to become alkaline, every time
you consume acidic foods you fall back to being acidic within days.
The Super Alkalizing Program : For an effective and powerful alkalizing
program use the Acid-2-Alkaline Capsules, Powder and or liquid drops in
combination with super herbal greens Capsules or Powder. For
best results avoid acidic foods and combine these two powerful alkalizing
supplements with an alkaline diet, purchase a alkaline food chart
for easy reference. Eat less " junk food which is acidic on the body " and eat
more " healthy alkaline food which is alkaline on the body ". You could also
purchase a roll of pH balance paper so that you and your family
can test yourselves many times.
This alkalizing program may also be combined with the
super greens,
boosters or whole food vitamins.
Available in 2 unique formulas : Acid-to-Alkaline is available in two unique
formulas, Original in capsules and powder and Special in liquid, capsules and
Acid-2-Alkaline Special Formula:
This is the combination of alkalizing minerals and super foods
specially formulated for people whom suffer from high blood pressure, lactose
intolerant and alfalfa allergies. Available in capsules (with free ph testers) or
powder (with free ph testers and alkaline food chart). Alkaline in water,
work best when combined with capsules or powder.
Acid-2-Alkaline Original:
This effective formula is the combination of alkalizing super foods and
homeopathic minerals. Available in capsules (with free ph testers) or powder
(with free ph testers and alkaline food chart).
Use an Acid Alkaline Diet & Alkaline Supplement for pH body Balance.