Supa Herbal Greens Orig 60 Veg Capsules
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Supa Herbal Greens Orig 60 Veg Capsules
You need Super Green Foods : The modern diet is
saturated with processed and hard-to-digest foods that create a high level of
acid in your body, causing illness and disease. Herbal Super Greens natural
plant ingredients help neutralize this acid and pull the blood and tissue
balance back to the ideal alkaline body while feeding the body with super green
food nutrients.
We lack vital Alkaline Foods: We tend to eat to much acidic type foods
for an alkaline balance, this means we are faced with needing to get more
nutrients from less food. At the same time, many of our foods are also depleted,
modern farming practices have resulted in soils that are lacking in basic
Alkalize your Body : with a super green food supplement: Super greens is
packed with over 30 different vitamin, mineral and enzyme rich super green
foods. These alkaline foods are so important for overall health and well being.
Use the Power of Nature : the way it was intended with a complete green
supplement with all natural vitamins, minerals and enzymes that your body
desperately needs, but lacks due to our modern diet and farming practices. The
green food contains naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, enzymes and
nutrients that are easily assimilated.
The Herbal Greens Original Formula: This herbal
green food supplement is made from 30 different super greens increase your daily
intake of vitamin, mineral and enzyme rich nuts, seeds and whole grains all
alkaline foods. These super green food ingredients help to alkalize, energize,
and nourish your cells as they balance your body's pH level. Contains alfalfa,
wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, grasses, grains, nuts, seeds,
legumes, herbs, vegetables & sea vegetables all
super green foods, for an alkaline diet with an added probiotic complex
and digestive enzyme complex;
Chlorophyll: Almost all of the ingredients
contain chlorophyll, which has been found to aid in the healing of intestinal
ulcers, gastritis, liver disorders, eczema, hemorrhoids, asthma, high blood
pressure, anemia, constipation, body and breath odor, bleeding gums, infections,
burns, athlete’s foot and cancer.
Alfalfa: is one of the most mineral-rich green food ingredients known
and is good to use while fasting because of its chlorophyll and nutrient
content. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium,
magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, silicon plus traces of virtually all
known vitamins and minerals.
Barley Grass: has a
concentrated source of chlorophyll supporting the immune and cleansing. It also
contains B vitamins, vitamin K for bone metabolism, minerals and enzymes.
Green Tea:
contains catechins and epicatechins, plant compounds belonging to the flavonol
category. These are powerful antioxidants, and have been shown to aid in
diabetes. This is a great green tea supplement.
Kelp: is a type of seaweed that is a rich source of vitamins,
especially the B Vitamins, as well as of many valuable minerals. It is reported
to be very beneficial to brain tissue, the membranes surrounding the brain, the
sensory nerves, and the spinal cord as well as the nails and blood vessels. It
has been used in the treatment of underactive
thyroid problems because of its iodine content, and is useful for other
conditions such as hair loss, obesity and ulcers. Kelp is recommended as a daily
green food supplement, especially for people with mineral deficiencies.
is a plant that produces twenty times as much protein as soybeans. It
contains nutrients such as gamma linolenic acid, vitamin B12, linoleic and
arachidonic acids, iron, protein (60 to 70 percent), essential amino acids,
chlorophyll, and phyccocayanin, a blue pigment that is found only in blue green
algae. Spirulina aids in protecting the immune system,
lower cholesterol and in mineral
absorption. Its high protein content helps stabilize blood sugar levels.
Spirulina is included in our green vitamin.
Turmeric Root:
is active against many types of bacteria and is antifungal and antiparasitic. It
is also a blood cleanser and a potent antioxidant. Turmeric has wide
applications throughout herbal medicine, including as a tonic or treatment for
joints, skin, digestion and the liver.
Wheatgrass: a popular
green food that contains a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals and is not
toxic in any amount. It creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria to grow,
making it an effective healer. Wheatgrass is rich in proteins and contains all
17 amino acids. Enzymes and amino acids are responsible for renewing cells,
creating hormones and building muscles, blood and human organs.
The Super Alkalizing Program : For an effective and
powerful alkalizing program use the Super Herbal Greens Capsules or Powder in
combination with acid alkaline capsules
or Powder. This alkalizing program may also be combined with the
immune boosters or
whole food vitamins.
Green Supplement that is Naturally Rich in Vitamins & Minerals.